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Everything posted by pmplayer
OK found thre Problem, it was a start from the Runway and therefor you have to look under the CDU Active - sec init page there you can import the plan and insert them. cheers 😉
Hi all, At my first flight today with the A350 i set up a flightplan at Simbrief, my Simbrief ID is showing in the EFB settings so this should be OK. Over the EFB i could do all what is needed to load the SIMBRIEF Flightplan into, so all was seen, OFP, Sync Simbrief, and so on.. But on my CDU ACTIVE at the init Page my CPNY F-PLN REQUEST was greyed out and so i could not load the PLN into the CDU. I tried serveral times with restart the flight and close the Sim and started new but i had no luck, the request always was greyed out so seems i need some help here. Someone else seeing this or do i forget some settings for that, so a bit confused here.. Any help would be nice !! cheers 🙂
But this Asobo weather Radar is better then none, at least for me.. cheers 😉
I have not seen or hear a loss of ATC Voices.. cheers 😉
So you can use the CDU over network with an Tablet or a Handy. Any chance of that ?? Would be great, i have that for the PMDG777, PMDG737, Leonardo MD82 ect. so a great Funfaktor more in Flightsimulation.. https://www.aviaworx.com/aviacdu cheers 😉
What build Version of the plane ? Do you use the newest V 1.1.2 ? cheers 🤔
Is there coming one soon for the A300-600 ? cheers 😉
Just to reply back, ( i had bad problems from Version 1.0 until to 1.1.0 ) i did three other flights ( 3 to 5h ) and all oft them went well, seems pretty stable now with V.1.1.1 ! cheers 😉
And on the last yards to the runway the LOC pointer move away to the right and the plane try to follow this pointer and steers away, you have to shut down fast the AP and do a hand fly landing, hopefully they look at this problem.. cheers 😉
Hi folks, I would also like to mention my last experience of four flights (with V.1.1.1) here because I have never been able to finish four flights in a row without a crash. The first flight was about 3 hours, flight 2 and 3 were about 4 hours and the longest was today from PANC to RKSI with 8 hours 20 minutes. I had 3 flights with version V1.1.0 and all with a total crash, so I would like to mention that the update with this version seems to have had a very positive effect on my case - I can only say keep it up Inibuilds, I am very happy to finally be able to fly from A to B without completely failing. Only the really big bugs have been taken into account here, not the minor ones, just to clarify. OK to be clear, 4 flights are not yet the world but now you can hope... But i am a happy camper today, I thought already this would never be happen like this for me !! cheers 😉
Forgot, i am on the newest Version of KLAX. cheers 😉
Hi guys, Today i started a flight from KLAX to PUNK, dapart from RW24L and about half way along i got thrown up in the air, cause was a big bump. Would be fine you could look into this and if so a fix would be nice, if you landing there this probably kills the plane and the people in that plane aswell ! cheers 😉
As far as i know they still ongoeing to work on VNAV issues.. cheers 😉
Same to me, not always but more or less half of all the loadings i get this issue.. Would be time now ( after that much updates ) we get this plane competly stable so it is flyable for all of us costumers ! 🤔 cheers 😉
OHHHHH - please not, i did three flights with the last build ( 1.1.0 ) and i got the same thing ( fuel was almost emty, the plane did a circle and systems not working anymore ( AP and more ) and so i stop again flying.. Now i did a first flight and a same one i did before with the problem and it works very fine, no problems at all at this flight but it was only one flight and i will try more, but this sounds bad again.. cheers 😉
Noting mapped like this on my HC Bravo. Checked all my settings, so should be OK ! cheers 😉
Yesterday i did this flight with V 1.1.0 again and it was beautiful this time until only one thing.. It didn't do that cirkle like it did before so it was a very good flight to me until short before landing. Some Yard before landing ( VHHH RW07R ) the magenta LOC pointer moved very fast away to the right side and the plane reach to follow that pointer. As i had the same with that last flight I expected this and was prepared for it and turned off the AP and landed the plane manually. But now the question, is this Airport relaeted or has it to do with the A300 logic ? I think i did landings with other planes on this runway and it did work fine ( for example the Asobo/WT 787-10 ) cheers 😉
OK, thanks, that was what i am looking for. Tought there was 24nm but was wrong with this.. cheers 😉
I know that but can`t find the button or switch for set a larger distance from the TCAS, like from 6 to 12 or to 24nm.. cheers
Where can we set the TCAS distance now with this Version ? ( 6nm to 12nm for example ) cheers 😉
Happens to me at yestereday`s flight aswell, newest Version VHHH RW 07R !! cheers 😉
Does it still exist for you, do you got a FootS issue ? cheers 😉
Come on your kidding, do you ?? If not i give up.. cheers
Today I thought I would try a flight again, after a long break with this airplane. Flight was from WSSS to VHHH and when my altitude (35000ft) was reached I went out to get a coffee. When I came in 10min. later the airplane has cased the NAV path and turned a circle. I then brought it back into the NAV direction and up to altitude by hand and wanted to switch the autopilot back on, but for God's sake I couldn't do it, I tried for 10 minutes but couldn't do anything, no chance. But then it only worked after I loaded the panel status "Ready to Fly" in the EFB and of course had to load the flight plan and all the settings into the FCU again. But really guys, it can't be that, there's still a nasty bug in it and what's more, the sim crashed the first time I loaded the A300 for the flight into the sim - hell, what's going on with this A300, I'm just ruining my nerves !!!!! cheers