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  1. Ahhh that makes sense. Will give it a go.
  2. So I am attempting to land in KSAN and noticed the glide angle on the RNAV is 3.50 and not the usual 3.00. Is there a way to change this so that I descend correctly? I was in cruise setting up the approach information and put in 3.50 in LSK 6R and it entered final approach mode. Whoops. Messed up my whole descent profile. All the tutorials I've seen cover 3.00 so I'm still not sure.
  3. No probs. I'll use the Ini manager in the mean time.
  4. This works! So I guess I'll have to do it this way until I figure out why the in-game integration does not pull it automatically.
  5. So far I've had online connectivity for almost the entire flight but I guess I'll just have to give it time if that's the case.
  6. I am trying to pull my simbrief data from my flight plan. I have gone to MENU > ACARS and entered my simbrief alias/username but when I click request, it just says pending and it's stuck like that. If I try to load the route from the init page, it says NONE when I enter the from/to field. I saw other people's MCDU show Company routes loading successfully.
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