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Everything posted by pmplayer

  1. I personally do not fly this airplane anymore after i did two flights with V.1.0.9. I had no FootS issue with this two flights but the performance with this plane now is so horible, in the last flight i had a Pause of over a Minute and a lot other long stutters ( what wasen't before like this ) and all other airplanes like this are so much smoother and fluid compared with this A300. So it is that bad that for me that i have to rest the plane in my hangar because i just feel something is bad wrong with this plane ( maybe memory leaks and more ) This plane needs a completly overwork from code and model ( maybe reorganize the whole mesh/polygons of that aircraft ) to give that plane the performance and fluid to make it useable like the other planes that where used in MSFS ( Fenix, PMGD, Justflight stuff, Asobo/WT 787 and 747-8 for example ) I hope you inibuild guys look into those things otherwise this plane ( as it is like yet ) have to stay in my hanger.. I realy like to fly this bird and i would but not under these bad conditions that the plane is currently in. cheers
  2. Scroll down in your EFB settings "Realistic fueling" - No, works fine for me.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  3. The wasm files was build new after you de and installed again and this could be the fix for your problem.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  4. Hi all, I am seeing with this Build a lost of FPS ( under around 13000ft ) compared with 1.0.8 from about 3FPS, more upper its about the same as 1.0.8 Also i see more short stutters ( under around 13000ft ) what wasen`t before and for my system this 3FPS lost is a bad thing ! Maybe you inibuild guys should look to offer this plane a better performance and as i read around this happens aswell with much better systems that mine is.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  5. Something like this happens to me aswell, had to reload.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  6. Or knock on wood..😎 cheers πŸ˜‰
  7. OK, just to reply back, did a 3,5h flight today with V.1.0.9 and all went well, saw the inbalance betwen the tanks seems fixed aswell and no FootS at this flight - and i hope its gone forever.. But as you guys know a one flight says nothing for this issue so i have do some more. If i did about 5 other flights i will reply back because if i can do 5 flights in a row would be a good sign because i could not do that before. About 3 flights was the best than FootS punched in, so after 5 flights i see what happens and i will reply back here.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  8. That would be great - i will try πŸ™‚ I simply cannot let you down 😍 cheers πŸ˜‰
  9. pmplayer

    Fuel leak

    Saw the same at a last flight with V.1.0.8 ! cheers πŸ˜‰
  10. My second flight planned for 4h ended at around 2h with the FootS issue.. I think i give up now to waste my time to fly a airpane that probably never will be stable on every flight, to bad because i realy like to fly this A300-600 ! But you have to understand that after so many FootS issues you simply lose interest when you invest so much time and are then almost always disappointed. cheers πŸ€”
  11. OK, first flight with V.1.0.8 went well at least with no FootS issue ! But that was just one flight, so of course it's not a statement yet. If I could then manage 5 flights in a row, that would at least be a statement as to whether something had changed, because previously one out of 3 flights was a FootS problem. So I'll carry on testing and I've left my community as it always was, just as an aside. My Reverse Thrust was working fine with my Honeycomb Bravo settings, just to say. cheers πŸ˜‰
  12. Are you guys using the latest MSFS Beta build ? Known Issues Today’s Sim Update 15 Beta build ( contains stability fixes to address sim crashes and instances of black avionics (which have been the top reported issues from the Sim Update 15 Beta). Unfortunately, while making comprehensive changes to improve these two issues, a handful of new issues were introduced: Known Issues Aircraft with floats are unable to take off/land on water. - Reverse thrust is not functional on certain aircraft. - When launching a glider, releasing the winch causes the sim to crash. While often we would not release a build to the flight groups with such obvious issues, we need community feedback on the stability fixes as soon as possible to understand if the changes were successful or if we have more work to do. The next SU15 Beta build (planned to release to the flight groups next week) will include fixes for the above three known issues. We will not release Sim Update 15 until the above known issues are fixed. If this significantly impacts your sim experience, as a reminder, you may leave the Sim Update 15 Beta and return to the current public build at any time by following the steps outlined here: Welcome to the Sim Update 15 Beta 9 Thank you for understanding and participating in the Sim Update 15 Beta! cheers πŸ˜‰
  13. Is this XBox or PC because PC is V.1.0.8 now.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  14. Shure, i will try V.1.0.7 and will reply back, at least i want to fly that bird - just witout that FootS issue ! cheers πŸ˜‰
  15. And again goeing down to Earth - so thatΒ΄s it for me, not flying any more this Aircraft until a fix is out ! cheers πŸ€”
  16. That`s understandable, same to me, but i am trying something other at the moment and will like this doeing several flights to see - but if it happens again i gonna stop, asap to fly this plane until a fix is out ! cheers πŸ˜‰
  17. For me the most Killer to fly this aircraft ( and i realy do like to fly this plane ) is that "Fall out of the Sky" problem, hopefully this can be found and eliminated !! cheers πŸ˜‰
  18. So many people have this issue, so i am not the only one - and everything other, and there is a lot, is working just beautiful and my PC is as stable as it could be... And with over 3000h in MSFS i belive i know what i do ( flying all kind of aircrafts ).. cheers πŸ˜‰
  19. I really hope that the fix for the FootS problem will be released with update 1.0.7 as mentioned by Nico - Gumby some time ago.. 😎 cheers πŸ˜‰
  20. What is Version 1.17 ???? cheers πŸ˜‰
  21. I do it exaktly this way : Start at the runway so plane is all ready to fly. But at this stage you can not load the fuel so i set on the EFB panel state Apu. Than i load the fuel and weight from Simbrief, wait some seconds ( about 10 sec. ) than i load the EFB panel state Ready to fly and the fuel loading still counts up. And after this action i load my flightplan to the FMC and set everything up because if you do it before you load the panel state Ready to fly all this work i gone and you have to do it again.. And as i do it mostly this way i get at some flight and at some time this Fall out of the sky issue. I would check if all this saved panel State are correct, maybe the bug for this issue has somehow to do with this panel states and how you load it. Hope this helps.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  22. Thats what i am doeing most of the time if i start from the runway. And i tought aswell this maybe could be the reason for this error because i am doeing it more or less always.. So how you start the engines from the plane, with the Checklist ? Because you have to shut the plane off to set your needed fuel.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  23. And to say before i installed V.1.0.6 i delete all the older WASM files to be shure nothing can conflict, so at load all are the NEW WASM files, but seems this either does not help to sort out this issue.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  24. I did three flights with 1.0.6 and they went well so i got the feeling that issue where worked out but at the 4th flight it happens again so it is still there.. cheers πŸ˜‰
  25. Version V1.0.6 and i was on a 5h flight and it happens again, so it is still there this "Fall out of the Sky" problem and people from inibuilds now it starts to annoy me a lot and it is finally time (after so many updates) that you get rid of the problem once and for all the time !!! ☹️ cheers πŸ€”
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