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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Hi David, We appreciate every single customer for their business and support during our product releases for X-Plane 11. These products were for X-Plane 11 and marketed as such. We have no comments on X-Plane 12, aircraft wise, to make currently, and our focus is very much on Microsoft Flight Simulator. We entered this business to provide the best quality add-ons. Entering a long-term relationship with the fantastic team at Microsoft Flight Simulator, allows us to do just that but to a much wider audience in Microsoft Flight Simulator.
  2. Hello @CJ_Reed, Could you confirm, as Jay mentioned above, during your landings, is the asterisk next to the 15/20 setting or 30/40 setting?
  3. Hello, Glad to hear you were able to resolve the issue. Our system has always used the SimBrief username, like most aircraft.
  4. ToLiss provides support for their products through the X-Plane.org Forums. We are not able to provide direct support. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/forum/677-airbus-a340-600
  5. We've followed up with your ticket.
  6. @AyeChris& @ed196312339, As Andy mentioned above, could you please remove all addons from your Community folder, only leaving EGLL. Then, delete your Content.xml and see if this issue still occurs.
  7. Sam

    Taxiway Lighting

    Hello, Our team has resolved this issue and it will be in the next update for Buffalo.
  8. Hello, I'll pass your suggestion onto our painting team.
  9. Hello, Is X-Plane itself providing this error message?
  10. Hello, The Load Manager was removed in the A300 v2. Please enter the weights directly into the EFB.
  11. Hello, We've followed up with your ticket.
  12. We've followed up with your ticket.
  13. Hi John, We have a number of detailed videos which will highlight the exact operation of the A300/A310 autopilot: https://www.youtube.com/c/iniBuilds/playlists
  14. Hello Braniff, We haven't announced anything further regarding this at the moment. All future updates can be found here: https://forum.inibuilds.com/forum/6-inisimulations-announcements
  15. Glad to hear you were able to resolve your issue.
  16. This issue affects a small number of Mac users, and is not one we can replicate. Removing the iniWXR folder is the recommended resolution at this time.
  17. Hi Daniel, Thanks for your suggestion! We'll note this for the future.
  18. Hello, Have you removed the config.ini file from the liveries you've installed?
  19. Hello, Happy to hear you were able to get the A310 installed!
  20. Hello, Please reach out to us directly and we can assist further.
  21. Hello, Do you currently have X-Plane 11 open? The installation is unable to complete because a program on your computer is using the TerrainRadar.
  22. Hi Tom, Glad to hear you were able to identify the conflict.
  23. Sam

    No RNAV approaches?

    These approaches would be controlled by the default navdata.
  24. Hello, Stutters can be caused by a number of factors. Our team hasn't be able to reproduce these stutter across multiple devices. We'd recommend adjusting your MSFS settings along with disabling addons in your community folder to see if that offers any improvement.
  25. Hello, Please reach out to us directly and we can assist further.
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