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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Hello, The services available will depend on what the controller is offering on the network. Kindly see if this issue occurs again, with a different controller and let us know.
  2. Hi George, You can do this through our order transfer service: inib.uk/order-transfer
  3. Sam

    Editing Parking

    Hi Peter, This isn't an option at the moment, however, we've noted your suggestion.
  4. Hello, Unfortunately, this issue seems to be occurring with multiple sceneries for Xbox. We as developers do not have a way to test our products on Xbox, Microsoft does all of the testing for Xbox products. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/constant-ctd-s-on-xbox-with-3rd-party-scenery/478953/32 There is not a DevKit provided for Xbox as well. I apologise for the inconvenience.
  5. Hello, It is advised to disable the default Asobo Queenstown scenery through the Content Manager.
  6. Hello, Unfortunately, the A310 discount is only available to A300 owners.
  7. As mentioned, this has been passed long to our development team who will look into this further.
  8. Hi @davrob. Thanks for your feedback. The iniManager will download the full product files if you happen to fall more than 1 version behind the latest version of a product. This is to ensure the product is completely up to date, as with multiple updates, files can be added, deleted and modified. Liveries do not need to be reinstalled after an update.
  9. Sam

    Poor FPS KMEM

    Hello, Memphis is not retailed on the iniBuilds Store. You can receive support for Axonos products on their Discord: https://discord.gg/WfKebUM.
  10. Hello, I've just received your ticket and will be following up there. This continuous loading is caused by a network setting on your device blocking access to our servers.
  11. Sam


    Hello, Could you clarify what issues you're referring to?
  12. Hello, Please reach out to us directly with requests.
  13. Hello George! There is indeed, kindly use our order transfer service, available here: inib.uk/order-transfer
  14. Hello, We've followed up with your ticket. The iniManager does not control activations, this is handled purely by SASL. Activations are limited to prevent abuse.
  15. Sam


    Thank you. This has been updated on our end. After restarting the iniManager, KLGA should remain in the Installed state.
  16. Please reach out to our team directly: https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  17. v1 liveries are no longer available to download.
  18. v1 liveries are no longer available to download.
  19. Hello, Which liveries are you trying to access?
  20. Hello, Please reach out to us directly so we can look into this.
  21. Hello, Could you try removing the iniWXR folder from your A300's plugins folder?
  22. Hello, We've followed up with your ticket and will continue assisting there.
  23. Hello, Can you confirm that the TerrainRadar plugin is installed in your X-Plane 11 plugins folder?
  24. Hello, As Noah mentioned, the iniManager will install the livery into the liveries folder of your A300, A310 or Beluga installation.
  25. Hello. You can most definitely install the A310 on your new computer. Please uninstall it from your old computer first.
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