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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Hello all. Thanks for letting us know. Could you right click on desktop shortcut, then head to properties and provide the entire directory where the shortcut is pointing too? Thanks.
  2. v2.01 of the iniSimulations A300-600R(F) ON THE LINE is now available. This update includes various bug fixes and improvements. A full changelog is available below. This update can be downloaded via the iniManager. Please note: If you're updating from the A300 v1.13 directly to v2.01, please ensure you've updated the iniManager to v1.0.4. This will usually happen automatically, however, you can download the latest version here if necessary: manager.inibuilds.com v2.01 - Bug on status display resolved - Bug on kg/lbs reading on SD page resolved - Bug on ENG panel resolved - Frames on popups dropdown missing in EFB now added - When off BAT lighting now added - ZFW rounding error fixed - Right runway turnoff light fixed - Updates to operating procedures section of the manual
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  3. Only purchases you've made through the iniBuilds Store are available through the iniManager. Kindly reach out to us directly if you're not seeing all of your purchases: inibuilds.com/contact
  4. In order to detect your products correctly and ensure they're kept up to date, you're required to remove your current addons that were installed manually from the iniBuilds Store and install directly through the iniManager. Going forward, you'll be able to update your products directly through the iniManager. Could you please reach out to our team directly so we can assist with this issue further and provide a manual download if necessary? inibuilds.com/contact
  5. Our team is currently pushing a number of server-side optimizations and changes to the iniManager. Kindly restart the app and you shouldn't experience that issue again.
  6. All v2 liveries can be found here: forum.inibuilds.com/files/category/264-a300-600rf-on-the-line-v2
  7. Hello all, Just to give everyone an overview of what happened regarding the iniManager issues this morning and to remain transparent. The iniManager pulls a ton of new data from our servers every 5 seconds (new orders, products, changelogs, updates, etc.) This is requested in the background to ensure you're seeing the latest data on your app. When the update was pushed, the number of users actively using the app significantly increased. This, combined with new users installing the iniManager for the first time, (which requests even more data: order history, etc.) caused the refresh API to become overloaded and slow down the entire app. As a result, we've lowered the refresh time so requests are sent at a slower interval for the time being. This means it may take a little longer ( a few minutes) for new orders to show up if you have the app open while placing the order. However, you can get around this by simply restarting the app or logging out and logging back in and it'll pull a fresh set of data instantly. Rest assured we'll be doing a full review of what happened and pushing additional fixes that will prevent this issue from happening again. We're already wrapping up work on the next version of the app, v1.04 which will bring with it liveries, product auto-detection, and multiple bug fixes for custom installation locations. Thanks again for your patience and understanding, we greatly appreciate it.
  8. Hello all, Due to the large amount of users trying to access the manager for the first time and those trying to update the A300 v2, we’re currently experiencing server load issues. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please contact us directly and we will provide a manual download link for the time being: inibuilds.com/contact
  9. Hello, Due to the large amount of users trying to access the manager for the first time and those trying to update the A300 v2, we’re currently experiencing server load issues. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please contact us directly and we will provide a manual download link for the time being: inibuilds.com/contact
  10. Hello, Due to the large amount of users trying to access the manager for the first time and those trying to update the A300 v2, we’re currently experiencing server load issues. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please contact us directly and we will provide a manual download link for the time being: inibuilds.com/contact
  11. Hello all, Due to the large amount of users trying to access the manager for the first time and those trying to update the A300 v2, we’re currently experiencing server load issues. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please contact us directly and we will provide a manual download link for the time being: inibuilds.com/contact
  12. Hello @dhmoore74. I've just responded to your ticket via direct support.
  13. Our team is working on an update that will allow you to select any folder to install the sceneries into, and then you manually create the symbolic links. This will offer a temporary solution until we roll out full symbolic linking functionality. We appreciate your understanding.
  14. Hello @Xaver. Thanks for letting us know. Our team will look into the TerrainRadar. No installation log gets created at this time. A download-only option is not offered at this time.
  15. As mentioned above, the iniManager will not detect manually installed products, hence the need for a reinstall through the manager. Only ToLiss products purchased through the iniBuilds Store can be managed through the iniManager at this time.
  16. You'll want to delete your current A300 installation and redownload through the iniManager. Moving or renaming the A300 folder once it's installed will cause it to show as uninstalled as it won't know what you've renamed it to, so don't move or rename the folder.
  17. In order to detect your products correctly and ensure they're kept up to date, you're required to remove your current addons that were installed manually from the iniBuilds Store and install directly through the iniManager. Going forward, you'll be able to update your products directly through the iniManager.
  18. The iniManager is installed into both AppData folders (Local and Roaming). The .exe itself is located within the AppData\Local\iniManager folder, however, it should have placed a shortcut on your desktop and start menu after installation.
  19. The iniManager itself cannot set symbolic links. We're aware of an issue where the installation location resets back to default after a custom location is set. We will be pushing an update soon that will resolve this. For the time being, you can set you custom addons folder directory within the iniManager settings and create the symbolic links manually. To avoid having the directory reset, do not click on settings after you've entered the custom directory as this will reset it back to your X-Plane root folder.
  20. Hello, Could you provide the x-plane_install_11.txt text file that is located in: ~/Library/Preferences/?
  21. v1.10 of the iniSimulations BelugaST has been released. This update includes new cargo loading objects and small bug fixes. A full changelog is available below. This update can be downloaded via the iniManager. v1.10 - New cargo object: A400M Fuselage - New cargo object: NH90 Helicopter - New cargo object: Chemical Tank - New cargo object: A320 Front Fuse/Nose - Enhanced CPDLC operations from A310 - Experimental flight model now enables automatically - Fixed SimBrief flight plan uplink on macOS
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  22. Hi @728Jet, In order to detect your products correctly and ensure they're kept up to date, you're required to remove your current addons that were installed manually from the iniBuilds Store and install directly through the iniManager. Going forward, you'll be able to update your products directly through the iniManager. At this time, it is not possible to move aircraft folders to different locations within the Aircraft folder (ex. Payware or Freeware).
  23. Hi Paul. We're speaking with VerticalSim to bring Tampa to the iniBuilds Store and offer it with the transfer service.
  24. Hello Gabe. I've just followed up with your ticket. Thanks for your patience. This issue has now been resolved and you should be able to login. We appreciate your understanding and patience while our team worked to fix this.
  25. We'll be releasing more information on how to transfer Boundless products within the next few days!
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