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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Hi @pilotskcx, After testing on our end, there seems to be an issue with Queenstown itself and the latest MSFS update. The crashing isn't caused the by the iniManager. Our team is looking into this and will issue an update as soon as possible.
  2. No worries at all! Glad to hear that resolved the issue. We've identified the cause of this issue and will be pushing a fix for it in the next update.
  3. Perfect, thank you. Please place the file I've attached below into the same directory you found it in (AppData\Local) and override. Then, restart the manager if you have it open and let me know if the picks up your E drive. I'll get the team to look into why it was causing issues when you set it manually. x-plane_install_11.txt
  4. Hi @Bagel Productions. Are you manually selecting your E drive directory? Could you please press the Windows Key and R at the same time. A box will open, in it, enter appdata. Then, go to the Local folder and at the bottom of this folder, attach the following file: x-plane_install_11.txt.
  5. We're excited to announce that the long awaited iniManager has released. We greatly appreciate your patience as our team worked through some last minute bugs that arose during the implementation phase. You can download the iniManager here: manager.inibuilds.com The iniManager will receive regular updated as our team works to resolve any issues. What is the iniManager? The iniManager is an all-in-one application to manage your iniBuilds Store products. All downloadable products and purchases have been shifted through to the iniManager experience making it a mandatory download to continue managing your iniBuilds Store purchases. Your iniBuilds Store account is used to access your product library, meaning that if you're already a customer with us, you're ready to go. How do I download the iniManager? The iniManager can be downloaded here: manager.inibuilds.com. Future updates are pushed automatically to the app, meaning you won't have to redownload the installer. Will the iniManager recognize my manually installed products? In order to detect your products correctly and ensure they're kept up to date, you're required to remove your current addons that were installed manually from the iniBuilds Store and install directly through the iniManager. Going forward, you'll be able to update your products directly through the iniManager. Where are the liveries? You can download them via the forum. In the next few weeks you will be able to find these in the iniManager. What about Linux? Linux compatibility is coming soon. If you're a Linux user, please contact our team directly, and we'll set you up with a download link for your products. Where can I receive support if I run into issue? If you run into any issues, please reach out to our team directly and we'll be happy to help: inibuilds.com/contact.
  6. Hello @Lufgat. The VAT amount added will depend on your billing country. Once you enter your address at checkout, this amount will be automatically calculated and shown to you.
  7. Hello @Stratocaster, No - NGX and NGXu liveries are completely separate from one another and cannot be interchanged.
  8. v1.10 of the iniSimulations A310 has been released. This update adds the MRTT variant. This update can be downloaded via your iniBuilds Store account: store.inibuilds.com/account NOTE: This update requires a reinstall. Remove iniSimulations_A310-300_Freighter and iniSimulations_A310-300_Passenger_ACJ from your X-Plane 11 installation’s aircraft folder: \X-Plane 11\Aircraft before installing this update. v1.10 - Added MRTT variant
  9. Hello! iniPoints do not expire, the code can be used at any time in the future. The 35% discount for A300 owners is also permanent and will not expire.
  10. Looks like you’ve just placed the zip file into the -200ER folder. Please unzip this file so the actual folder is in there.
  11. v1.01 of the iniSimulations A310 has been released. This update includes various bug fixes and improvements. This update can be downloaded via your iniBuilds Store account: store.inibuilds.com/account NOTE: This update requires a reinstall. Remove iniSimulations_A310-300_Freighter and iniSimulations_A310-300_Passenger_ACJ from your X-Plane 11 installation’s aircraft folder: \X-Plane 11\Aircraft before installing this update. v1.01 - Fixed BRK Fail Visual Bug - Fixed EMER EXIT LT Bug - Fixed LDG GEAR WARN TEST clickspot - Fixed Passenger Cabin clickspot - Fixed ACP Lighting behind IDC - Fixed CPDLC - Wilco/Stby Logic - Improved Engine temperature Logic - Improved Fuel Pressure Logic - Improved Spoiler Deployment speed - Fixed IDC Scratchpad character limits - Fixed CPDLC crashing when NAVLOG in SimBrief was enabled in flight planning - Fixed CPDLC-POS REPORT not being to able to enter GS over 500kts - Fixed frequencies 128.450, 129.450, 130.450 - Fixed LDG PERF - change TOW to LEW - Fixed ZFW and FOB Logic in FMS - Fixed No ZFW showing MAX OPT Flight Levels. - Improved Alternate Braking and BRK ACCU Logic - Fixed Landing Gear Bindings Bug - Improved Interior PAX Windows (lightened) - Improved Gear Textures/Normals - Improved SID and STAR Logic - Fixed CPDLC Messaging Logic in some places - Fixed +/- keys in IDC - Fixed EFB boot screen to have A310 logo Please note other minor bugs will be resolved in the MRTT/Medevac release in August.
  12. 🛬 Follow the steps below to claim your 35% discount off the A310 if you are an A300 owner. Step 1: Ensure you are signed into the iniBuilds Store Account used to purchase the A300 BEFORE adding the A310 to your cart/purchasing. Step 2: Add the A310 to your cart/buy now: inib.uk/A310 Questions? Our team would be more than happy to help: inibuilds.com/contact
  13. Hello, Melbourne looks to be working correctly. It was created using specific jetways due to scenery limitations. As for the logos not showing, this is a GSX limitation in Prepar3D v5, not something controlled by our profile. Apologies.
  14. Hi @spreilly. This profile wasn't transferred as it is one of older ones, however, you can download it here.
  15. Hi Justin, This was one of our older liveries that was created before the BBJ Expansion was released. You can access the download here.
  16. @rezzyrez Could you provide a screenshot of your PMDG 777-200ER and base textures folder?
  17. Yes this is normal. Since it doesn't have a CFG entry, the PMDG Operations Center thinks it's a livery and wants to add it to the CFG. Just ignore or dismiss the error.
  18. Hello, The base texture folder should be placed into the \SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 777-200ER folder, not texture.common200ER. Each specific airline livery can be installed using the PMDG Operations Center.
  19. Our main download servers are coming back online. Downloads across our services should be returning to normal. Thank you once again for your understanding and patience throughout this downtime.
  20. We've received the following update from our provider: "Multiple teams are now engaged in working to mitigate the issues for a subset of Spaces in our AMS3 region. At this time, hardware swaps and augments are in progress and this work will continue for some time. Due to the nature of the issue, we do not have a clear ETA, but best estimates indicate this work should be finished in approximately six hours. After the hardware work is completed, users should begin to see improved error rates and Spaces functionality. We understand this has been a long process and appreciate your continued patience." Thank you again for your continued patience. Once this issue is resolved, we'll be exploring ways to ensure this downtime doesn't happen again.
  21. Unfortunately, we're one of the very few customers still affects by the outage. We've seen the rest of our servers come back online, but our main server that covers liveries is still down. Apologies.
  22. Hi @nidaren, I've reached out to you via DMs where we can discuss this further!
  23. Hi @nidaren, Thanks for your comments. We won't be changing the effect library license terms. This is to ensure the quality and reputation of our dynamic lighting offerings. However, we're happy to manually approve requests to use the effects (as we've done here) on a case by case basis. As a reminder, this approval of usage is for EPWR only and credit, along with a link must be provided back to iniBuilds in the documentation of the patch.
  24. Hello. Thanks for letting us know. This has been updated and can be download here:
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