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Everything posted by Crabby
From what I can see, there are 6 different navigation items in the world called IKA 2 NDB stations 3 ILS 1 VOR/DME with FREQ 114.30 So, the VOR is shown correctly. As for the first entry, the GPS coordinates shown are for one of the ILS stations and the freq is 109.3. The third entry is an ILS with freq 110.1. The last is an ILS with freq 111.70. Again, all based on given coordinates. Now, the question is why. Are you using Navigraph in the simulator? (Replacing the simulator base data with the Navigraph data.) If you are, try it without that. If you aren't, it could be an A300 glitch or a sim data glitch or some combination of both. Either way it is not the VOR stations that are cutoff.
Decisions bring consequences that are all uncontrolled by the decision maker. When MSFS first came out I purchased a scenery from the Market. Within two days I repurchased that scenery direct from another store and vowed I would never go back and even look at the market. I would uninstall it if I could. You will be, based on what I have seen, 4 weeks to 2 or 3 months behind in what the rest of us get. Frankly, I am shocked the market is not on 1.0.0. If you want different results you will have to change your purchasing choices.
1-200 pages is A LOT. I have flown many RNAV approaches. You have to first forget anything you have learned about RNAV approaches in the 737 or A320 if that is what you are used to. Basically forget any modern aircraft procedures. Watch this video. This is the simplest explanation I have seen. EVERY step must be done. 1. You cannot be in Profile mode (this is basically VNAV). Counter intuitive I know, but that is the way the A310 and A300 works. Remember, Happy Days was still on TV. 2. You MUST be at the platform level before the IAF. Not close to or at. BEFORE. 3. You MUST enter the MDA from the chart in the TO/APPR page. Don't enter the DH. That is radio altitude. Enter the MDA. It's always the first number in the minimums section. 4. Select Final Approach Mode by hitting the line select key next to the where it says FINAL 3.0. It should change to show VDEV. Dial in the FAF altitude. 5. When pass the IAF you can hit the profile button and see P DESC armed in the PFD. Once reach the MDA you either have to land or go around if you are not stable/can't see the runway visually. If landing, disconnect the auto pilot. If go around hit the toga button. Once you are in P DESC mode on the RNAV you can dial in the missed approach altitude in case you need to go around. Note: I typed this from memory without being in the plane. Just follow the video
I will and have posted snippets. I don't want to post the whole thing because I, like the developers, don't have specific rights to do so. However, I just searched A300-600 FCOM in Google and there are links to go get it. There is an abbreviated FCOM available at flightsim.to courtesy of a compilation of things found on smartcockpit.com (good site too). If you run into problems finding things, try searching for the A310 fcom because the cockpit and procedures are the same from what I can tell.
You are correct. Players shouldn't. Simmers who want to study a study level aircraft should. Developers cannot give that manual with their product unless they have a specific license to do so. That would be expensive and probably, as in the case of Boeing, a strict no go. Your choice, but I prefer to be self-sufficient. I know, it's weird today.
There are FCOMs available on the internet. Just search A300-600 FCOM
My bad. I was in another plane in my head. Once at the platform altitude (the altitude that intersects the iron cross on the chart) press profile button on the mcp. You should see P.DES arm in the PFD, if everything else is set right. When I fly, I use profile descent to about 30 miles from the airport then I switch to LVL CHG to get down to the platform altitude. This puts me in ALT mode when I hit that altitude. Once there, I hit the profile button on the MCP and check that P.DES is in standby. I know it is a little weird but remember this aircraft was released when MTV was only two years old and still ONLY played music videos. For most, this is not your dad's VNAV it's your grandad's VNAV.
1. you have to be at the platform altitude in a mode other than profile (ALT hold for example) 2. Once at the platform and with the MDA set and the descent angle showing, you then arm profile descent (pull on the alt knob). Profile descent should show on the PD as armed. You should be fully configured at the FAP for landing.
Landing rate is a fake number. G-load on landing is what counts and that will vary as a function of weight and landing rate. A landing rate of -50 says nothing about your pilot skills other than you may have a tenancy to float the landing. There are two big rules in aviation. 1. Sky above you is a waste. 2. Runway behind you is a waste. Too much waste of either leads to bent metal and bleeding bodies. Pilots are taught, Firm, no bounce, in the touch down zone. What you perceive as "butter or grease" in the sim is inaccurate. If you were sleeping on a plane and it landed at what you think is a bad rate, you would probably not even wake up until you heard the cabin announcement or the guy next to you elbowed you to wake up so he can get at his luggage. The two worthless numbers that simmers love to chase are landing rate and FPS. Firm, smooth, no bumps and most importantly IN THE ZONE.
Well without pictures of the overhead to include the ADIRs section, can't tell what might be going on.
First thing I would look at is the little knob just below the HDG push button in your picture. That controls the MCP lighting (both the integral and windows). It appears everything is working but would need to see top panel to be sure.
Autopilot violently rolls the aircraft when engaged
Crabby replied to PotatoSalad's topic in Systems
Going off a bit of memory here as I am in the field working (someone has to build those communication towers). Also, not sure if this is a A310 memory, but the 300-600 should have the same ability. It can fly a coupled DME Arc, however the ND will show a straight line between the arc. I think I saw INI say this was a quirk of the real aircraft. That being said, I have not done one yet. Also, I do not actually build the towers, my crew does. I am basically a gopher when in the field for the guys that do the actual hard work. -
Well, after over 100 hours of flying the A300 with an average flight of about 3 hours each, never suffering any kind of issue, I came back from a short dinner while at cruise going from KDFW to KPHX at FL280. Except I was not at FL280 but bouncing around on the ground near the Arizona border. I have no idea what transpired, I was not at the controls, but the only thing that came to mind is the "falling out of the sky" issue. I don't know what the fuel state was as I was so pissed I didn't check.
CI, cost index, etc. etc.
"The ones lacking test" Is there somewhere where I can go to see which releases "lack test"? I can't seem to find that. Is this just an assumption? I looked over the release notes to 1.04 and did not see anywhere that indicated that the release was not tested. You post is such a side handed complaint about a now old release. I wonder why you posted it in what is basically a congratulatory thread.
I have to be silly and ask. You guys are not using the in sim refueling, correct? You are only using the EFB for fueling? I have not seen this (yet?) so I just wanted to confirm to see if there is a difference in what I am doing and what is being done that causes it.
yep. Lot of people updating. No need to wonder.
Did you enter the Vspeeds on the TO page of the FMC. Mine are working fine and have always worked. V1 and Vr are entered in the TO page. V2 is entered in the speed window on the MCU.
5 flights. Cannot replicate.
I am flying online right now with VATSIM coverage. The controllers are not saying anything (and they would) about what they are seeing on their end. My transponder is set to TA/RA. I am showing Mode C in teh Vpilot app. No issues. I will take a look at the FCOM to see if I can decipher the rest.
A300 yaws heavily to the right when takeoff roll starts
Crabby replied to edaaaaaali123456's topic in Systems
Cannot re-create on my set up. -
Cannot recreate. It is in inHg for me on the performance page.
A search of the systems forum should yield what you are looking for. I am traveling and would have trouble posting a link
Climb rate and angle to the ground are related but not directly related. Speed, weight and center of gravity are also part of the equation. You can fly with an extremely high nose angle and not climb an inch or actually stall and descend. The A300 (and all aircraft) in profile mode and in LVL CHG mode pitch to a speed with a given thrust setting. In profile mode the computer handles all the variables and in LVL CHG mode you tell the aircraft what speed you want and what level (altitude) you want it to go to at that speed and it pitches accordingly. I have seen the aircraft climb in profile mode at different angles and vertical speeds to climb depending on how I have it loaded. That is realistic. How spot on? Don't know and it "feels right" so don't care.