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Kevin B

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Everything posted by Kevin B

  1. Hello, it's ok I note it for the next update,
  2. Hello Ale2000, At the moment we do not have the solution .. sorry
  3. Hello CptBambi, you can make your request here : https://store.inibuilds.com/collections/services/products/inibuilds-dynamic-lighting-request Regards,
  4. No the ones online are the most recent. The file I gave you, is a brand new one that I just upgraded to V2, I will send it to replace it in the download section. Regards,
  5. Hello Lukehall, these are old profiles, but try this and tell me if the problem is fixed please. Place the bgl file in the scene folder. Make sure you take the latest library update. Regards, Kevin, KPSP_DL_V2.BGL
  6. Hello Lukehall, these are old profiles, but try this and tell me if the problem is fixed please. Place the bgl file in the scene folder. Make sure you take the latest library update. Regards, Kevin, EDDM_DL_V2.BGL
  7. great, I will add it to the site, good flights
  8. I just updated to V2, tell me if everything is ok for you? Add the file to the landscape folder of your scene. And don't forget to take the latest effects from the library. Regards RCTP_DL_V2.BGL
  9. Hello Fiorentoni, RCTP is an old version, make sure you install the latest effects, normally they should work Regards
  10. but you lose all the blue taxiway lights. its weird, because i'm on P3D V5 too, and it doesn't. so much the better if it suits you like that. good flight 🙂
  11. Have you put the two texture files proposed in the pack? I checked and I don't have these black textures, If you still don't have the solution, try disabling / deleting the halomap file in the texture folder,
  12. Hello, Tom McHowat It is noted we will add it, CaptKornDog We will re-watch but I cannot guarantee you anything. Regards,
  13. Hello theglideslope, you can request some lighting on this page: https://store.inibuilds.com/collections/services/products/inibuilds-dynamic-lighting-request?variant=34431465881759 Thank you,
  14. Hello Bjhjeong01, it must be a texture that does not pass on P3D, I will look to deactivate it if it is possible, I will come back to you a little later regards, Kevin
  15. oh sorry i misunderstood .. i dont know sorry .. @Sam do you know where to find it? please
  16. Hello Patrick C, You can find it here: Regards , Kevin,
  17. Hello dfr997, can you make a video please? has it happened to you with a pmdg?
  18. Hello Nakbi Nabil, you can use our gsx profile which is working properly. Regards,
  19. Hello, in your Addon Manager \ FsDreamTeam \ KLAX_V2 \ texture folder delete the KLAX_light. This should remove them. Regards, Kevin,
  20. Oh for bridges this and yet another problem .. there are a few airports around the world that have this problem .. it's a mesh problem, to fix it you need to put your leftmost mesh cursor.
  21. Hello Anthony, we will make the file and see if this fixes it
  22. Hello, when you install P3D V4 scenes on P3D V5, it may be that there are default buildings, or abnormal terrain height. These exclusions resolve all of these issues. Most of the scenes just need this exclusion file, other scenes have bigger issues .. so other than waiting for the developer to fix, there isn't much that can be done. But these are very rare cases.
  23. Hello Florian , did you download the latest update? Do you have your special effects parameter set slider all the way to the right? Regards, Kevin,
  24. Hello Chatefucio, Ok I add it to the next update, Regards, Kevin,
  25. thank you so much jwcruz825
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