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Kevin B

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Everything posted by Kevin B

  1. Hello KimBrenna, Indeed there must be something wrong. the terminal is well equipped with white lighting try to re-download and reinstall it Regards, Kevin,
  2. Hello MediumRareBaku , indeed this is an old profile, I am writing it down to update it. Regards, Kevin,
  3. folder * sorry
  4. Can you send me a picture of your Brussel / scenery file please?
  5. Hello Casv, it will be available very soon, here is V2 Regards,
  6. hello, no sorry it hasn't been done yet .. it's a big airport that takes time, i will try this week Regards
  7. Hello Luca, ok I'll go check it out, Regards, Kevin,
  8. Hello Peter Ilic, Sorry for the late reply .. sorry I don't understand why it is not working for you .. Can you do a Teamviewer? I take control of your computer to try to find the error? because at home everything works correctly ..
  9. ok i will report it, here is the file MMMX_Exclude.bgl
  10. Hello Kylian717, ok for Tarbe and Pau ... I will make some updates to add them to the library Regards, Kevin,
  11. Hello Nickbe, are you talking about the MMMX_Exclude file?
  12. Hello Godehardt, I'm sorry, Guam we have already tried, but it's more complicated than a simple exclusion .. Regards
  13. Ale2000 I cannot exclude SEQU, because it does not extist in the P3D V5 database. Sorry Kevin,
  14. Hello Ale2000, alexmish Thank you I note it Kevin,
  15. I will go check EGLL and I will keep you posted
  16. Pilotrob89, you open the archive with what software?
  17. Hi Peter, make sure you have the P3D special effects parameter sliders on the far right. And in the cfg file, did you increase the spot light points to 500 or 1000? Regards
  18. do you have a moment during the day to do a teamviewer? I will take control of your PC to see what happens?
  19. Do you have the special effects settings on the right ? envtex is not a problem, enshade can but you still got a light .. try without envshade to see if the problem is solved,
  20. hellov HenrikIsaksen, Thanks for reporting the problem, glad you found the solution. Thank you for sharing. Good flights, and have a pleasant holiday
  21. have you installed the effects that you find here ?
  22. Hello Denmax, ok I will note it for the next update, Happy holidays to you too
  23. Hello Andrew, I see that this is a big problem with the height .. unfortunately, if the exclude does nothing, then you have to wait for an action from the developer .. sorry
  24. Hello Michael, Can you send me a picture to see what it looks like please? Regards,
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