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Kevin B

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Everything posted by Kevin B

  1. Hello everyone, we just added new exclusions for P3D V5 : TropicalSim Hato Intl - TNCC Latin VFR Raleigh - KRDU VDG Eliat / Ramon Freeware - LLER https://www.ftxdes.com/p/project-ller.html RFSB Will Rogers World - KOKC Sunskyjet Philadelphia - KPHL Update SXAD Nashville - KBNA Update https://www.inibuilds.com/p3d-v5-scenery-compatibility-files
  2. Hello LiamNCL, all our lights are V5 compatible, just download the V5 effects library Regards Kévin,
  3. Yes I can imagine that it is not the same thing! anyway thank you very much for the Doha update and good luck to the others Kévin
  4. Thank you so much ! it works perfectly! Can you tell me what you did to resolve the problem please? This can be useful for other airports. Thank you Kévin,
  5. Hello, I tried your solution, but still have the same problem .. Kévin,
  6. Hey Sky_King, ok i will watch this, thanks Kévin
  7. Hello niksan29, Due to demand, you have to go through the store here: https://store.inibuilds.com/ But we will be happy to hear your requests for projects. Regards Kevin,
  8. John, oh ok, glad you found the old one! Good flights to you 😃 Kévin,
  9. John, Can you please try that, tell me if everything is ok, not too bright or not enough. Once it's ok for you I will give you the official version. Thanks Kévin EDDF_DL.bgl
  10. John, are you P3D V4 or V5? Regard, Kévin,
  11. John, EDDF_DL_V2.bgl Please try this file and tell me if it is better, Kévin,
  12. Hello John, I'm sorry I no longer have the old profile .. But what is wrong with V2? is it not strong enough for you? Kévin,
  13. Hello Aviator_79, Yes just delete the DL_bgl file in scenery, this should delete the lights made by them. No need to touch the effects. Tell me if it works. Regards, Kevin,
  14. Hey niksan29, Oh ! Thanks. Noted ! it will be updated very soon Kévin,
  15. Thank you for the return, Happy flying Kévin,
  16. I am at 2.2 in brightness it must be for that
  17. you must be in without HDR?
  18. Hello RhysCPFC, Did you correctly place the replacement textures? Photo taken on P3D V5 Kévin,
  19. Sorry, yes sorry I did not publish the update list on the forum, here it is : DREAMFLIGHT STUDIOS PUERTO PLATA - MDPP Binersim Bandar - WITT Binersim Juwata - WAQQ Astana Freeware - UACC DESTINATION-CHINA-SHENYANG - ZYTX MSK Islamabad - OPRN FSXcenery Westchester County Airport - KHPN ORBX KIDA FSDT CYVR PacSim Puerto Vallarta - MMPR MexHighFlight Ixtapa - MMZH MexHighFlight Veracruz - MMVR MexHighFlight Mazatlan - MMMZ Aerosim RJFF Jennasoft London Gatwick - EGKK T2G Mexico - MMMX (update) Dazzling colors - ZULS Latin vfr - MDSD Tropicalsim - KMCI Rikoo Kiev Freeware - UKBB Available here : https://www.inibuilds.com/p3d-v5-scenery-compatibility-files
  20. Super Mitchell, glad the problem is solved, good flights to you Kévin,
  21. Hello, thank you! glad you like it! Can you download the library again please, have just updated it, (some errors were in the old one) Keep me posted, we'll find the problem together. Kevin,
  22. Hello Evaamo, I'm sorry, but some users are experiencing elevation problems .. unfortunately we have not found a solution for this .. You have to wait for the developer update. I am sorry Kevin,
  23. Yes of course Kévin,
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