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Kevin B

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Everything posted by Kevin B

  1. Hello PietVDW, we'll add it in the next update, but until then here it is, Regards, Kévin, LATI_Exclude.bgl
  2. Hello Adsm88, I will try to give you another one see if that fixes Regards, Kevin, EDDM_Exclude.bgl
  3. hello Con7inuum, Lt's take a look, thank you Kévin,
  4. If have all played a game together? I will post pictures of the next project (update / new) with only the effects diagram placed, it's up to you to guess the airport 😀 It is an update of a profile already existing in version V1 :
  5. hrvogelsa, ORBX melbourne we didn't, but I can include it in the next ones, Tirana I'll see why it's not there. Thank you Kevin
  6. this is a very old profile, there are effects that we no longer use .. I will update it to V2 in the next few days,
  7. Hello Matze, I'll watch this, I'll get back to you Regards, Kévin
  8. Ale2000, ohhh I'm sorry .. some airports need more than exclude files .. I'll let you know if we find a solution, but it's going to be difficult without the developer .. Regards Kevin,
  9. Après un certain temps et je suis désolé, voici toutes les nouvelles exclusions pour P3D V5 que nous venons ajouter. Prendre plaisir - TropicalSim Porto - LPPR - TropicalSim Eppley Field - KOMA - ORBX Melbourne - YBBN - Whitedotsim Addis Ababa - HAAB - STINN Pacific's Mumbai - VABB - MFSG Kota Kinabalu - WBKK - A_A paysage Phuket - VTSP - Aerosoft Bergamo - LIME - Sao LIME - Aéroport international de Tome - FPST (https: // bibliothèque. Avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=218056) - ACIV Abidjan - DIAP - Cloudberry Oakland - KOAK - WING CREATION INC NAGASAKI - RJFU - AEROSOFT ROMA-CIAMPINO - LIRA - AEROSOFT MEGA AIRPORT ROME - LIRF - AEROSOFT NAPOLI X - LIRF AEROSOFT NAPOLI X - LIRF AEROSOFT NAPOLI X - LIRF - MK STUDIOS LANZAROTE - GCRR - AEROSOFT YEKATERINBURG X - USSS - AEROSOFT MADEIRA X - LPMA - SIMULATION SIERRASIM LA MESA INTERNATIONA - - MHLM SIMULATION SIERRASIM Augusto C. SANDINO INT - MNMG - TROPICALSIM TIRANA - LATI - AEROSOFT SVALBARD-LONGYEAR - ENSB - Ricardo Paulo Viracopos - SBKP - Bogota virtuel - SKBO - TSD Greenville Spartanburg - KGSP
  10. Sky_King, Oh sorry ! I am really sorry ! I'll make the file for you right away! Regards, Kévin
  11. Hello PabloV, Glad you found it, don't hesitate if you have any other questions, we are here to help you Kévin,
  12. hello F1le, Ok I add it Kévin,
  13. Bonjour Luca Toscani , Il faut aller sur ton P3D.cfg, et augmenter les spots, ceci est expliqué dans le readme des profils d'aéroport 4. Dans C :\ Users \ * name * \ Appdata \ Roaming \ Lockheed Martin \ Prepar3d v4, convertissez le fichier prepard3d.cfg. Trouvez ces lignes: MAX_POINT_LIGHTS = 250 MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS = 250 Changer la valeur de 250 à 500. Je vous conseille de mettre 1000 vous serez encore plus tranquille en cas de gros aéroport Cordialement, Kévin
  14. hello Aviator_79, Glad you solved your problem. Good flight ! Kévin,
  15. Hello Ale2000, Yes of course, they will be on the next update, Regards, Kevin,
  16. Hello niksan29, These are defrost zones, so they will turn on by themselves from 3 ° C and below Regards, Kévin,
  17. Hello Luca, sorry for the late reply, yes our lighting works on V4 and V5, you just have to download the V5 effects Kévin,
  18. Just change the numbers 250 to 1000 as shown in the readme, this will fix the problem Kévin,
  19. Hello mircea, Place all the effects from the library into your existing effects folder on your P3D. Change the value from 250 to 1000, these are for all the airports in your P3D. Yes, if the lighting goes out in your cockpit, it means that you have exceeded the limit of spot lights, therefore the limit of 250. Looking at your screenshot, the dynamic lighting profile is not properly installed. Regards Kevin
  20. Tomorrow, can you do a Teamviewer session?
  21. Did you deactivate the basic lighting of the airports? and did you download the latest effects library update?
  22. Hello eyal, What airport is this please? is it P3D V5? Thanks, Kévin,
  23. Hello, there was an error, thank you for letting us know, now it's settled. Kevin,
  24. Hello, here is the next version of Dynamic light for FSDT Vancouver, I will come back to tell you once it is available online 😉
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