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Everything posted by Azlog

  1. I had this happen to me once. It told me to set a pitch trim of something crazy like 1.5 and it was up in the air well before v1. Going to pay closer attention to the actual CG for setting pitch trim for takeoff as really wasn’t convinced about that one
  2. Payload page on the tablet is the only way to add fuel. Can't do it from the world map or the fuel and payload window
  3. On XBox Series X - dome light is the only cockpit light that works. Front panel lighting is non-existent. Side EFB area lighting is ok
  4. The left tank feeds the APU. So when you have the APU running on the ground, it is using fuel from the left tank
  5. The MCDU database pulls straight from the sim and I don't think the airport exists in the sim
  6. Azlog

    TCAS Fail?

    I had this happen to me on the A300-600F PW version. It was was loading in with all of the lights turned on and TCAS Fail came up when I powered up properly. Nothing I did seemed to fix it so I disabled and deleted the rolling cache on the sim and that fixed it for me
  7. Azlog


    You used to be able to arm RNAV approaches by being in ALT HLD mode and pressing profile. This would put P DES in blue under ALT on the PFD but now it flickers on blue and immediately goes away. I have to wait and press Profile at the exact moment that the VDEV diamond gets to the middle mark for RNAV to work. Is this a bug?
  8. Also, uploading winds from the data page puts the winds in upside down and gives top of descent wind as the airport wind
  9. Very happy with the latest A300 update but I've noticed a few things that would be worth looking into When you apply the load to the aircraft, it now places values on the INIT B page. But it seems to place the same values in to INIT B page every time (6.0 BLOCK, 96.4 ZFW, 27.0 ZFWCG) and these don't match up with what I have in simbrief and are showing on the EFB. Not sure if this is just on the PW A300F version or if common to others as have so far only flown this one ATC voices can't be heard (you know about this one) DHL livery on PW version is still a weird mess 😞
  10. I've been flying the A20N v2 a lot and occasionally the PMDG 737-800 and these 2 aircraft have something in common that the A300 doesn't have. On the N1 gauge, there is an indicator on the outside edge that shows you were your physical throttle lever is in relation to where the current set power is. This is really handy for getting the physical throttle lever into the right position for disconnecting autothrottle and would be a great addition to this aircraft if that was possible. Disconnecting the autothrottle and then moving the throttle lever to try to find the right position can destabilise approaches quite easily and is a bit of a pain
  11. To add to what @richboy2307 has said, different airlines use different calculations which they have worked out depending on what the airline requires. Some will be looking for minimum noise and engine wear (low Vr) while others might be looking for maximum climb performance (high Vr) but it doesn't mean the aircraft couldn't get airborne at lower speeds. So some might use the whole of a 3000m runway just to get off the ground at a relatively low speed. Others might decide that they want maximum climb performance, even from short runways and use low FLEX temps to get extra thrust. The calculator on the v2 EFB seems to like to use the whole runway when compared to the FBW version. Only potential flaw I've encountered in it is that it doesn't like to use low V1 speeds compared to the Vr speed which makes short runways return an UNABLE message. For example, you would never see on this EFB calculator a V1 of 104kt and a Vr of 134kt which I have seen and used on other calculators
  12. Descent winds you get from the Simbrief pdf and put them in on the PROG page where there is a DES WINDS button (might be in fuel pred page which is accessed from PROG page - can't remember)
  13. I have noticed among some of my friends who are flying this aircraft that they are reporting autopilot disconnecting during cruise. When we looked into it further, they were flying too high and too fast. This led to a very narrow safe speed envelope and so any slight changes in wind speed caused it to over or under speed resulting in the autopilot disconnection Only thing I have noticed is that the Vapp speed given in the MCDU is within a few knots of the orange section on the speed tape. If for any reason it dips into this orange section, the TOGA LK comes on and wrecks your approach. As such, I tend to add at least 5kts onto the Vapp speed
  14. Autopilot randomly disconnecting during cruise is because of flying in too small a speed envelope. Ideally you want to be flying in the middle of a 40kt gap between overspeed and stall speed. I’ve seen people flying within 5kts of overspeed so the slightest gust and autopilot disconnects
  15. RNAV works every time for me - I've probably only done 1 or 2 ILS approaches in the A300. There's a bit of a knack to it so best find some YouTube tutorials for it
  16. That's the one. Haven't had a chance to try it yet but if it caused the cockpit to freeze then there could be an issue there than needs investigated. If you are in managed mode then yes it should follow the speed of the route - unless of course the speed of the route is less than your green dot speed which I'm guessing it wasn't
  17. Think you need to activate it as I said - but it's been a while since I tried one and not sure actually if I've done one in the v2. Will need to give it a go later
  18. IRPOD is the first waypoint on the ILS/LOC approach. An RNAV without a transition would perhaps default to that as the straight in waypoint in the absence of a VIA New cruise altitude happens if you set an altitude on autopilot panel that is higher than the cruise altitude that was set on the INIT page
  19. As for the second point, I'm not on the sim right now but you need to press the top left soft key on the MCDU and then it's something to do with activating alternate. This will put a discontinuity in and have your alternate airport under it for you to set up the route and approach. The blue lines after LPMA is the missed approach procedure and become active when you overfly the runway without landing
  20. I have noticed this as well but when I come to think of it, I think I forgot about it when I made a list of issues I had encountered. So +1 for this. Only way to exit a hold that I can find at the moment is to use direct to which doesn't seem right
  21. Further to the Luton departure issue, MATC3B works but MATC3Y doesn’t. MATC3Y has a waypoint right next to the altitude constraint waypoint and so when you get to the altitude one, you are already within a mile of the first RNAV waypoint which means it can’t then move on itself
  22. I changed my units in simbrief to kg and passenger number now loads in correctly. Strange and fuel and cargo were unaffected but passenger reduced as though the number in simbrief was measured in lb and in the aircraft converted the number of passengers to kg
  23. Looking at it I see there is also a MAT3B departure that doesn’t have that initial 1 mile waypoint. I’ll need to see if that is listed in the MCDU and give it a go to see how it compares
  24. It was enroute to Channia. VOR Y rwy 29. The DME 05 waypoint was in the wrong place so I thought I’d try to move it to the right position. I entered created a PBD waypoint and added it into my flight plan in the hope of replacing the DME05 waypoint that was in the wrong place. This worked but I then tried to delete the out of place waypoint in the same edit session as entering the new waypoint and it froze For the Luton departure, I did it again paying close attention and noticed that the first waypoint (an altitude constraint) is very close to the first chart waypoint GWS01. It passes the altitude waypoint but then gets stuck on the GWS01 waypoint as though it needs to be more than a mile away from a waypoint in order to then move to the next one once it gets within a mile of it I will check my units and see if something is up there. Fuel and cargo transfer perfectly every time but passengers don’t
  25. Also for some reason when I download my payload from simbrief it gives me less than half the passengers that were listed. Recent flight I had 125 passengers but payload download only gave me 57. Using inibuilds template on simbrief
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