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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Hmm...it might be worth it then to make that more clear on the store page, as it says: "Custom maintenance functions: Engine oil levels, APU oil level, Hydraulic fluid level, wheel brake wear and tire wear." That makes it sound like it's more than just visual, and I know all along people on various sites have been under the impression that it physically changes the performance of the plane.
  2. When we reached the next waypoint, instead of continuing on towards the next one we starting flying around in circles. It was then I realized the plane was no longer in heading or nav mode and needed to be manually steered back on course.
  3. I'll try to remember the next time I see it, yes. In the meanwhile, it's the text in the DME readout area - it looks like a Z-fighting issue, where multiple layers of numbers are trying to be rendered at the same time.
  4. LukeFF

    Go-around issues

    Maybe, but it's been so long now I don't remember. 😄 But I've made a mental note to keep an eye out for problems with this in the future.
  5. When starting a new flight from your typical parking spot, there is typically an excess of ground service equipment around the plane - 2 GPUs (the one that spawns by default with the plane, plus the one that is part of the airport scenery), etc. If the player is using GSX, it would be nice if these "extra" pieces of equipment would be culled out somehow so there isn't this cluttered mess when I start a new flight.
  6. The other problem with this is that when I look for an available parking spot, all spaces are listed as too small. So, while I've disabled the message from appearing, this other problem remains.
  7. After I activated my secondary flight plan and reactivated NAV mode, the FMC went into Manual mode when we reached our next waypoint. I had to input a Direct To Waypoint procedure to get us back on course. Is that how it should be?
  8. In both aircraft.cfg files, there is a typo in the following line: icao_manufacturer ="Aibus"
  9. I've noticed the following buttons have no associated sound with them: Glideslope warning test (just to the right of the captain's altimeter) The VHF 1-4 buttons on the pedestal
  10. I've noticed in some videos that some people have inHg on their EFB takeoff performance page, while I cannot get it to change from HPA to inHG via the Settings screen. Is this issue still being investigated?
  11. A few of your temperature knobs are set almost all the way to the Cold setting.
  12. When landing at KMEM on runway 27, I received no DME signal from the ground. The frequency is supposed to be 108.7, course 273 degrees. Could someone check and see if it is working properly or if something is indeed wrong with it?
  13. I have had at least nine CTDs in a row tonight trying to load the freighter version. This is beyond frustrating:
  14. So, what does it take to get a response from anyone here about this? @Nico - Gumby
  15. Would it be possible to get that too? I am stuck right now without a working version of the A300 and would really like to be able to use the new version this weekend.
  16. I have to agree - this app right now is a piece of junk. It really shouldn't be that hard to download and install an update.
  17. I tried removing it from my Addons Linker folder, and I re-ran the app. And...it crashed again after getting halfway through the update process. This is not good, guys.
  18. As the title says - I tried to update the A300 for MSFS today and it crashed twice, and now the third time it just sits there saying "downloading" and nothing happens.
  19. In the manuals I have read, there is a mention of using the DCEL mode on the Flight Plan page to slow the aircraft down to green dot speed if it has passed the TOD marker but descent clearance has not yet been given. However, I do not see this function available:
  20. Update: nope, it was me. 😄 All is working properly now!
  21. Yep, it looks like an AAO problem, as the default keyboard bindings work fine. 😞
  22. Yes, I understand all that. My gear lever is a 3-position type, and what's happening is that when I move it to the Gear Up position (with AAO, yes), the gear retracts, but the animation of the lever only goes to the neutral position. I wasn't seeing this before the last update, so it makes me wonder if there is a bug here.
  23. When retracting the landing gear during takeoff, the gear retracts, but it looks like the lever is physically not moving from the down position to the up position - it just moves to the neutral position, even though the gear is retracted. This is with a Virpil control panel landing gear lever.
  24. From what I have read and have seen in my experience, the tire wear rate is exaggerated right now. After about 10(!) landings my tires were already in the red zone, and it's not as if I'd had any hard landings in that process. Perhaps with "normal" usage the tires should be in the green up to about 33 landings, yellow after 66, and red after 100?
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