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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Before the engine start and after I refilled the oil, I noticed the oil level reported on the ECAM and the analog dials was different - 25 quarts on the ECAM and about 26.5 on the dials:
  2. Yes, that would be nice.
  3. Oh my word...drawings, blueprints, etc., are everything when it comes to building a 3D aircraft model. No serious developer is going to build one without them.
  4. I have never seen that be the case. There has been many a time - just in the last week - where I have a real-world ATIS report from Navigraph in their Charts app but none from VATSIM. EDIT: Tampa right now for example: two real-world ATIS reports but none from VATSIM:
  5. Just to add to that, the A300 manual is a lot shorter than the A310 manual, and upon further review, it's because not all the flight procedures are in the A300 manual. Would be nice to see that rectified, since there is a lot of very helpful information in the A310 manual that directly applies to the A300 too.
  6. If one has a Navigraph subscription I'd assume that would/could be a source as well.
  7. It was announced months ago that this is coming.
  8. It's with the new radio panel.
  9. You can already do that by clicking on the icon in the upper right-hand corner.
  10. It's somewhere on Discord, not here IIRC.
  11. From A330 Driver's latest video:
  12. LukeFF

    TCAS ?

    Click the button next to the squawk code.
  13. It's a known issue.
  14. You almost certainly have a controller binding conflict somewhere. No one from the team is laughing at you. 🙂
  15. Right now it looks like ATIS reports are coming from somewhere like VATSIM. This is very suboptimal, as the number of ATIS reports they have online at any one time is far less than those available through other sources. Tried KMEM and KTPA tonight and both came back with no information - even though it's easy enough to pull up their current ATIS reports from other sources.
  16. As the title says - whenever you navigate away from the en route map and then go back to it, it's fully zoomed in as far as it can go.
  17. As of the latest update, this is still an issue, as reported here - it skips over the part where it should say "Airbus":
  18. Bumping this one up. It really looks silly seeing two GPUs when using GSX.
  19. An ASL Livery for the PW freighter variant would be a nice addition. Right now we have just one and it's for the GE variant.
  20. From the MS forums: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/inibuilds-airbus-a300-for-msfs/371370/346
  21. LukeFF

    Update Version 1.1

    Watch the YouTube video they posted yesterday to their channel. It explains it all. 🙂
  22. LukeFF

    TCAS ?

    Watch the video posted yesterday. It goes over all of this. 🙂
  23. This bug was reported as fixed in the latest update, but I still cannot change the altimeter setting in the EFB from hPa to inHg:
  24. When using GSX, I have both the GPU as provided by GSX and the one that comes with the A300, at the parking stand. Is there a way to remove the GSX one so only the A300 one is rendered?
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