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Everything posted by Crabby
You need to have the approach phase filled out (selection of flaps and MDA). You also need to activate the approach phase by hitting the bottom right button on that page. I do it between 30 and 20 miles out from the airport. If you are autothrottle after that, you would extend slats at the S on the speed tape, then flaps. The autot throttle should adjust the speed accordingly. All of this is from memory because I am traveling and I don't fly the aircraft on auto pilot/throttle below 10K as I like to fly it. The only exception to that rule would be if I am anticipating a true need to auto land (weather).
Yes. That comes from the in-sim nav data not from Navigraph. I am guessing there was a recent micro-update. Did you notice anything? I am on the road. Asobo nav updates have gotten better.
Current A300...I would not call it "Integrated with Navigraph" Yes, you can see the charts/ofp on the EFB, however the plane itself uses the in-sim data for the FMC, currently. INI has said they will look to adding Navigraph FMC data, but no timeframe or commitment to actually do so. Since the A320 is being produced by Asobo and directed by INI, I would expect that it would be the same. Much like the Asobo/Ini A310 Before someone loses their mind, a producer funds a project, and a director makes it happen.
Extremely bad guess (assumption). I now have over 40 hours in this plane, average flight 2 hours, and have never seen it. So, that leaves only three possibilities by Occam's Razor: 1. I have the only working copy of the plane. 2. There is an underlying issue triggered by any number of causes (geographic location of aircraft, winds, weather, altitude, speed, time of day, length of flight, input combination, button push combo, yadda yadda etc etc ad infinitum). See why this whole trouble shooting thing is hard? You can't just scream fix it! It does not work that way. You cannot fix what you cannot find and replicate. 3. The problem is on the end of the MINORITY users. Tricky too. Common addon conflict, common control issue, common system config, common gpu version, common gpu firmware, common radio station playing in the background and again, yadda yadda, etc etc ad infinitum. Can you see how that also is hard? Now, number one, we can most likely rule out. I don't know INI and I probably stir up enough crap here that I would not be on their let's be especially nice to Crabby list. (Everyone should have that list though, in my opinion). We are left two difficult to work through options. One is difficult for INI and one for you. I get it, this sucks. However, tantrums, speculation and some of the outright ridiculous things said or guessed don't and won't help. We can also, at this moment, not rule out the issue being sim/Asobo related. Not every developer implements their aircraft in exactly the same manner. The SDK is reportedly thin on meat. Every developer that I use has had to work developer magic in some way to make their complex aircraft work. Many times, right after that magic works, the ground rules are changed (see PMDG UFT for example). In order of probability, this would be number two after the Crabby is the only one with functioning software.
Not a proper statement or starting point for trouble shooting a problem. Almost as bad as “it worked yesterday”. I run it fine (30 fps min no stutters) on a 9700KF 32Ram and a 2070 Super gpu. I have all the study level aircraft. My setting are DX11 DLSS frames locked in Nvidia to 30. My graphic settings are all on high. I run my TV native resolution.
What the literal hell? This is childish behavior at best. The A300 did not have in air refueling. How about you grow up and properly plan your flight instead of trying to force a company to make their product stupid to comply with stupid use.
So far I have seen nothing about being able to do this in the FCOM. My guess is it was not an option. I think only Russia and North Korea(?) use metric flight levels. China changed to the RVSM format in like 2007ish. To be really confusing, I remember reading that some of the "stan" countries use feet for light levels and below the transition they use meters. Could be wrong, going from memory.
I use the same TQ and have never seen it and cannot replicate.
Cannot replicate without weird control inputs. I have a dozen or so takeoffs and landings post update. No problem on any of them. I do not have the rudder and nosewheel combined. I use a separate axis controller for nosewheel and rudder. I am going to guess that the problem resides in the joystick rudder/tiller axis. Check curves and sensitivities in the twist axis. You may be sending signals you don't want to be.
It appears that Airbus learned a lesson in subsequent generations of aircraft. The A320 series has a knob for both the integral and window lights. I asked this same question early on and @ual763 actually turned me on to this page of the FCOM.
I have done a fairly detailed search. It does not look like the PAX version came with airstairs (those the aircraft carried). It would break my immersion if inibuilds added stairs to a plane that did not have them in real life.
What settings do you have in the EFB for the rudder?
Ahh, you shouldn't need it. The screen names on that are all messed up, so I was told. It has the same description of the ECAM SYSTEM that I gave, so I don't want to confuse you. It must be wrong.
Well darn. I would have expected you to know the difference between the warning panel and the ECAM or sometimes called the ECAM status panel or at the very least how to read the entire FCOM. Saw your pic. Yea, I would only be in that situation if I was in an uncontrolled dive and trying it as a last resort. No wonder I don't see those things. Also unsure why such an accomplished pilot would need to reference an A310 FCOM. Granted the systems are very much alike, but I would have searched for the A300 FCOM.
BTW, on my last flight, I could not replicate. I very rarely have problems with Vle and I had to force it. I may not have done it right. However, I am ok waiting for ini to "fix" it if determined broken. It won't matter to me either way because I can fly it without hitting Vle. I put the gear up on positive rate and down about 3-5 nm from landing when I go flaps full.
No kidding? Really? Wow. Ok let me re-state what I said. YES it is part of the ECAM. YES there are two displays. The right one is referred to as the ECAM display. It is ECAM only. Press a button and see the doors. See the APU, check the electrical bus. The LEFT display is referred to as the WARNING display. It gives you some setting information, like anti-ice is on, take off settings are normal or not AND WARNING message like, oh crap captain the cabin pressure is fubar, hey captain, don't look now but there is an electrical issue. YES they are both part of the ECAM SYSTEM, however the two displays, pardon the redundance, display two different types of information from the ECAM system. On my post, I did get my left and right mixed up. Left is WARNING display, right is ECAM display.
Yes, I get that. However the FCOM makes reference to the left display being the "ECAM" display and the right display the "Warning display". They have a separate section of the FCOM.
That would be on the warning panel at the knee of the captain. I will check this next flight.
ECAM? What page on the ECAM should Vle be on? Are you sure you mean ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring System)? That is where the door, electrical, system, flight controls etc show up on the screen to the bottom right of the engine cluster. I can't find any FCOM mention of Vle being shown there. Screen shot would be good.
Well crap, I just finished a screenshot/crop/reduce size work to post the ECAM page description. LOL
I have to ask, because I can't determine from the post. Did you set the flight directors to ILS mode on the glareshield?