I was testing out the "Time Marker" feature in the A350 and told it to do an aural alert but I did not hear anything go off when reaching the time marker. This is the 2020 version.
I've noticed this issue as well - Using the PAX Simbrief profile I get an an error within GSX that the simbrief aircraft doesn't match MSFS aircraft.
This was in the G-OJMR Monarch livery if it matters.
No I don't feel like I've been ripped off - What an insane thread though.
It's a bit like complaining an item goes on sale the day after you've bought it for the original price - It happens.
Recently bought the A300 and already loving it and the great work you have done with this plane. Can't wait to see what else you bring out for the flight sim community. Wouldn't mind seeing a Beluga model though at some point 😛