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Everything posted by Zangoose

  1. I was testing out the "Time Marker" feature in the A350 and told it to do an aural alert but I did not hear anything go off when reaching the time marker. This is the 2020 version.
  2. Zangoose


    Perfect - Thanks both. I must have missed it when I was looking around. I blame being tired! 😁
  3. Zangoose


    Hello, Silly question - But can you enable CSTR to show up on the Nav display in the A400M?
  4. This also seems to be a problem when using AIG as well. E.G China Airlines, ANA at T5
  5. Another work around would be to turn off crash detection within the sim I believe and that should then allow you to open all doors without a problem.
  6. I've noticed this issue as well - Using the PAX Simbrief profile I get an an error within GSX that the simbrief aircraft doesn't match MSFS aircraft. This was in the G-OJMR Monarch livery if it matters.
  7. The GSX profile is included with the aircraft by default.
  8. Make sure your gear is in the off (middle) position and then it should allow you to select the auto brakes you want,
  9. What ever happened to the one that was being made/going to be uploaded to the forums?
  10. This wouldn't be a bad idea.
  11. No I don't feel like I've been ripped off - What an insane thread though. It's a bit like complaining an item goes on sale the day after you've bought it for the original price - It happens.
  12. That would be great if they could.
  13. I would also like to add a vote to see additional variants. I would even pay for them to be honest.
  14. I am very happy to see you releasing an BelguaST. Fantastic news, can't wait to get my hands on it.
  15. Recently bought the A300 and already loving it and the great work you have done with this plane. Can't wait to see what else you bring out for the flight sim community. Wouldn't mind seeing a Beluga model though at some point 😛
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