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Everything posted by AndyM

  1. AndyM

    bumpy runway

    It's in the General Options - Data - Photogrammetry within MSFS
  2. AndyM

    Elevation issue

    Have you tried removing everything from your Community folder, and doing a fresh install of the scenery? Also, check that Bing Data is turned on.
  3. Standard thing (other that what is already been suggested) is to remove EVERYTHING from the Community Folder other than the PHNL scenery. Start the sim, clear/delete any rolling cache, then restart the sim, check and report back.
  4. Having been to that area on a couple of occasions, I was surprised and happy to see the Inibuilds email regarding the Corpus Christi airport. However, I still find it a shame that developers seem spend MORE time on modelling and texturing the interiors of an airport for a FLIGHT simulator (understandable for a passenger simulator) than the concentrating on the exterior airside area's where the aircraft are.
  5. AndyM

    bumpy runway

    Okay, just realised that I didn't have photogrammetry turned on, just retried it with PG on, and I'm still getting a bump on 4R
  6. AndyM

    bumpy runway

    Also seeing some bumps at 4R, and 31R.
  7. AndyM

    bumpy runway

    I'm not seeing the bump. It may be worth clearing any 'Rolling Cache', and ensuring that you have 'Bing Data' and 'Photogrammetry' turned on.
  8. I had that when I first got EGLL, funnily enough it was a static aircraft addon by LVFR that caused it. Not sure what else to suggest as I'm not familar with the XBOX file structure and what you can, and can't do, sorry.
  9. Are you able to remove all other addons and just leave the Ini EGLL scenery installed? I don't know how the XBOX works, but on the PC it's easy to remove addons temporarily to see if it's a conflict with another addon. Also, are you able to delete the Rolling Cache in the options? If so, try that.
  10. Did you add them one by one so that there were other addons in the folder when you got to EGLL, or was EGLL the only addon in the folder when you encountered the crash? If you haven't, remove all addons, open MSFS, delete any rolling cache, ensure the Asobo Default EGLL is uninstalled if you have it, close MSFS. Delete the Scenery Indexes (typically ... C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SceneryIndexes). Do a fresh install of EGLL, then start MSFS (with just EGLL in the Community Folder) and try again. Good luck.
  11. It's in Marketplace ...
  12. AndyM

    Heathrow VGDS

    I don't have the steam version, but my exe.xml file is located .... C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache For Steam users I believe it may be located in .... xxxx/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft Flight Simulator Where xxxx is your username. If you find it, right click on it and open it with notepad.
  13. AndyM

    Texture Options

    Did you update, or do a fresh install? I use Addons Linker, so most of the time I do a fresh install of scenery packages when updates appear, and I'm seeing the SD and HD buttons active. I think the default installation is SD as that was showing after the download. I have HD active now.
  14. Are there any plans to increase the texture resolution on parts of T5C? They are quite low res compared to T5B.
  15. AndyM

    Heathrow VGDS

    Is that error code when you try to download, or run the installer? If it's when you try and run the installer, maybe disable any antivirus software, and run the installer as 'admin'.
  16. AndyM

    Heathrow VGDS

    You mention Installer 1.0.0, the latest installer is 3.3.0, may be worth using that one. Index of /MSFS/VDGS/Releases/ (nool.ee)
  17. I'm also seeing this.
  18. AndyM

    Heathrow VGDS

    The exe.xml is a file that MSFS uses to load addons, just worth checking that the VDGS executuion lines were added. I found when I was on Windows 10 that I had to 'Run as administrator' MSFS to get the VDGS to work. I've sinced moved to Windows 11 and do not have that problem. I'm not sure if there was a glitch or some 'privilages' issue in my system preventing the addons from being run. It was the same for the Fenix A320, it would only work if I ran MSFS in Admin mode.
  19. AndyM

    Heathrow VGDS

    Make sure the noolaero-module-vdgs addon is in the exe.xml file (open the file with Notepad) For MS Store version it's located in ..... C:\Users\andym\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe Try running MSFS in 'Admin Mode' to see if that works.
  20. Downloading now .....
  21. Do you have any other addons in your Community Folder? If you do, there may be a conflict, try removing everything from you Community Folder, doing a fresh install of EGLL, and see if the problem goes away.
  22. Might be worth trying this ... Disappeared airport buildings? How to fix. - Microsoft Flight Simulator Support Forum - Orbx Community and Support Forums (orbxdirect.com)
  23. Also check to make sure you have Bing data 'ON' in the sim settings.
  24. AndyM

    VDGS Support

    I have to run MSFS in Admin mode to get the VDGS to work for some reason, might be worth trying that if you don't already.
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