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FSBart last won the day on December 30 2020

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  1. Hello, We recently released v1.11: Cheers, Bart
  2. Hello, There is currently no plans to sell our products on the X-Plane.org store! Cheers, Bart
  3. Hello, They all go in the liveries folder, however depending on the livery you choose one either the PW or GE variant in the X-Plane menu. Cheers, Bart
  4. Hello, Thank you for the kind words! Will pass them on to the team 😉 Cheers, Bart
  5. Hello, That's good to hear. For a long term solution I would suggest contacting Swisscom to get this resolved! Cheers, Bart
  6. Hello, We have had multiple reports of people having issues with Swisscom and with downloading from our store, could you confirm which provider you use? This can also be done in a private message if you are not comfortable with sharing it publicly ofcourse! As a temporary fix you could also try using a VPN to see if this solves the issue, this has worked for the other people who experienced this issue! Apologies for the inconvenience.Cheers,Bart
  7. Hello, The plane is not officially VR compatible, however the kind people at SimVRLabs created a VR config for us. When we updated the plane to v1.10 this conflicted with their VR config. They are now working on making their config compatible again! Cheers, Bart
  8. Hello and welcome to the forum, You can get the update from your store account page! Cheers, Bart
  9. Hello, There is currently no plans to bring them over to P3D! Cheers, Bart
  10. FSBart


    Hello, There is currently no plans to bring the A300 over to P3D! Cheers, Bart
  11. Hello, Indeed it will! Cheers, Bart
  12. Hello, It's not officially compatible at this time! Cheers, Bart
  13. Hello, Thank you for the kind words! To answer your question, this is something that is not currently on our list. We might look at this in the future! Cheers, Bart
  14. Hello, Thank you for the kind words! I will pass these on to the development team. We are hard at work on the update and it will be with you soon! Cheers, Bart
  15. Hello and welcome to the forum, The Mac update will be completely free of charge! Cheers, Bart
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