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Everything posted by turkintheus

  1. Hi guys, plane never goes into flare phase when flying manually, can you guys please look into it? Thank you
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  2. Not true, retard callout is not tied to the thrust levers, it will come on regardless if you idled or not. It is in the FCOM, or you can watch any airbus landing video and you will see.
  3. Jay, not true, you only hold the stick down until 100 knots and you should be neutral by 100 knots.
  4. Same issue here, massive stutters every 5-10 seconds. I had no issues on SU1 beta, now it's unflyable, tried deleting wasm as well.
  5. Plane seems to just take off on it's own on a lot of occasions... In this case I was 214T, 25.9 zfwcg, THS 32.3,. OAT 15 degrees, flex 57. IMG_1957.mov
  6. Yeah it should not auto rotate, but the thud is there IRL believe it or not lol
  7. I agree, often aircraft wants to rotate on it's own with correct trim setting (2024)
  8. Here are some inaccuracies I noticed; - Let's say you activate approach phase, and pull speed knob for selected speed, when you pull, it should capture your current speed, in ini350 it will select Vapp speed. - Engine spool up is way too quick, engines seems way too powerful even at highly derated takeoff's and flight directors are incredibly jumpy when going to Climb power. - Even near MTOW, aircraft will accelerate easily to 30 knots + with at idle power on it's own. - Flight Control Cross on PFD stays on after engine shutdown - Retard callout should be there regardless if you idled or not, it appears to only come on if you don't retard the thrust levers, according to FCOM it should come on regardless. Even when it comes on it is a very weird low quality sample unlike the other GPWS callouts. - "Flare" is missing on FMA. - Rudder seems incredibly sensitive during decrab, it feels rather like a C172 during crosswind landings. - Speedbrakes come out instantly when you move the lever, in real life they are dampened and take some time to come up, there should be a delay when you move the speedbrake handle. - Aileron should not come up right after touchdown with other spoilers, they should come up when BTV tries to make the exit (this I could be wrong, somebody can correct if i'm mistaken). - Yaw damper seems ineffective, and plane uses spoilers to turn when AP is on (almost full deflection). - Rudder trim with AP on doesn't seem to be working. While I do enjoy this product greatly, I'm really hoping these issues will be addressed in the future.
  9. It should be there as a reminder at every landing, i have yet to hear this call out in this bird, thank you! Update: It seems to come on randomly, however it should be there every time regardless if you idled before or not, and the sample is a completely different sound and very quiet.
  10. Hi guys, i noticed that after engine shutdown the cross on the PFD doesn't go away, thank you!
  11. 13R looks like KDFW runways, any fixes for this?
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