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Everything posted by Azlog

  1. Yeah I’m not quite sure how it is done in real life as normally on an ILS you’d want 180kts at more than 8 miles out, 160kts between 8 and 4 miles out and then final approach speed at less than 4 miles out but RNAV doesn’t really allow for that. Or at least not in the A300/A310. In the A320 RNAV works the same as ILS in that you just press the approach button and don’t think it matters if not fully configured Could be the order you are doing it. I always think level hold, final 3.0, profile and it works almost every time. Had a couple where I’ve had interpreted the chart wrongly and had to descend further before trying again but it always gets there eventually. Since getting the A300, I’ve been doing quite a few cargo ops routes in the US which involves a lot of airports with RNAV approaches You probably could disengage auto throttle and it might still work manually. I’ve never tried it as I normally keep auto throttle on until around 400ft to avoid chasing around trying to find where the throttle was set which can very quickly destabilise the approach
  2. I feel that it’s also worth mentioning that the speed it gives you should be the speed you should use unless the headwind component exceeds 10kts (in which case, add half the headwind component minus 5. So 16kt headwind, add 3) or it is gusty (in which case, half of headwind before and all of gust. So 16kt headwind gusting to 20kt you would add 7) but no more than 15kt addition I think it is. The reason for the speed it gives is to allow the aircraft to sink gently down onto the runway when you reach 5ft after idling the throttles at 20ft or so. If you come in too fast, you’ll just float down the runway and touch down far too late and/or hit it hard
  3. So normally I would get to the 4000ft and make sure I was in alt hold mode. Then I’d go to the approach page, make sure I had entered the MDA and press the final 3.0 button on bottom right. I’d then go back up to the autopilot panel and press the profile button. This should cause PDES to appear in blue under ALT. The lights on the autopilot panel won’t change Prior to reaching the WS816 waypoint, I would ensure that the aircraft is fully configured with gear down and flaps fully extended, otherwise it won’t do the RNAV approach When the VDEV in the approach page hits 0, the light on the alt hold button goes out (you’ll hear a click) and ALT on the PFD is replaced with a green PDES. The light on the profile button will not come on at any point during this. The aircraft will then descend on the glide slope at speeds dictated by what is entered in on the approach page which you can add wind correction to if you want a little faster. You can’t adjust the speed on the autopilot panel as this will take it out of “profile mode” and initiate a go around
  4. Is probably more likely around 3 seconds than you should set it to hold for
  5. A few things with the A300 that I’ve noticed on Xbox Series X: No noticeable nosewheel deflection with rudder controls tiller turned off. It should have +/- 6° of movement with the rudder pedals which is present on the A310 but not on the A300 and allows for directional control on the runway at lower speeds On take-off, the flight director should direct you to chase a rate of climb that maintains the V2 speed at take-off thrust until thrust reduction altitude where the set speed becomes active and the engines spool back as you reduce the climb rate. Instead, following the flight directors always shows the same climb out angle that puts you up at 200+kts climb out when the V2 speed can be anywhere from 145 – 165kts Autopilot disconnect alarm should stop once disconnect pressed for a second time (?) but it continues to ring out for a good while after When disconnecting auto-throttle, should you not get the 3 short bleeds that indicate that a status has changed from green to amber on the PFD? Unsure if this is a A300/A310 feature/quirk or if it’s something that needs fixed. Final Approach activates by itself when getting close to destination airport (when the next waypoint is the first waypoint on approach chart?) and changes the target speed to the approach speed while still in profile mode. It starts to then chase that target speed and will hold it just above stall speed as you add flaps and slats. In the A320, it will do the same but the speed will chase the S and F points instead of pressuring you to keep extending in a hurry feeling like you are about to stall. Manual setting of speed not possible until LOC and GS both active unless in level change or alt hold mode. RNAV appears to work in the way described for the A320 and so I prefer to use these but RNAV approaches are not always available and if NAV not working then you can’t do them Aircraft prone to not always following NAV (I’ve posted elsewhere on forum about this)
  6. I find you need to be level in ALT HLD mode at the altitude shown at the start of the RNAV approach on the chart with the altitude set to that height. You then press Profile and PDES comes up in blue on the PFD under ALT and turns green when VDEV approaches 0. I have occasionally had to descend to the final fix altitude on level change mode and try again
  7. Ok I answered my own question. Rudder controls tiller set to no and auto tiller disconnect set to no is a perfect combo that just gave me a perfectly smooth takeoff once I lined up with the tiller on my Xbox controller. Guessing if I set them both to yes then that would also have worked fine. I do feel that this needs to be a little clearer though
  8. Having written this, I'm now wondering if the auto tiller disconnect works by having tiller linked to rudder until 60kts where it disconnects from the rudder controls. But if you have it disconnected by default then it's toggling to do the opposite and is actually connecting to the rudder control at 60kts? Will try it later
  9. I pressed submit by accident and it won't let me edit. Here is what I was wanting to post ... I have rudder controls nose wheel steering turned off as I use a stick on my Xbox controller for nose wheel steering on the ground. Also got automatic tiller disconnect. In the A310, this works perfectly where you can steer the aircraft on the ground with the nose wheel steering and then on the runway and taxiways, you can use the rudder to keep it straight as this gives not only rudder movement but also a small amount of nose wheel movement which I believe is meant to be correct? In the A300, rudder does nothing on the ground until you get to 60kts where the tiller disconnects with a click and suddenly you've got full nosewheel steering linked to the rudder which makes it seriously wobbly going down the runway as it's extremely sensitive. Is this on your radar for a fix?
  10. I have rudder controls nose wheel steering turned off as I use a stick on my Xbox controller for nose wheel steering on the ground. In the A310, this works perfectly where you can steer the aircraft on the ground with the nose wheel steering and then on the runway and taxiways,
  11. Go into assistance settings and change it to be "True to Life". Or look for an option called airflow visualisation and turn it off
  12. I have encountered this quite a number of times. Autothrottle, Profile and NAV all engaged but it won't follow the flight path. Seems to mostly be focussed around Europe but I've flown group flights with friends also in the A300 and they didn't have the issue. For clarity, I'm on Xbox series X Let's say fly Schiphol to Leipzig. Depart runway 24 on the ARN3S route. FMC programmed in as follows: EHAM/24 ARNE3S ARNEM L620 HMM DCT NORTA DCT ADMOS T959 KOJEC KOJE1V EDDP/26R You take off and "EHAM24" stays stuck at the top of the flight plan and as you fly past the STAR waypoints, they don't register as having been passed and the distance to them is incorrect. The first waypoint remains as the next waypoint on the ND. If you activate autopilot in NAV mode, it follows the flight directors trying to chase a waypoint that it can't find. Using "direct to" to change the waypoint will plot a route to that waypoint but again, the flight directors won't follow it and when you reach it in heading mode, it will still be miles away and won't register. My gut feeling is that the IRS isn't aligning correctly and the aircraft doesn't know exactly where it is and it seems to drift the further into the flight you get. At the first waypoint you'll only be a mile or so out but after a while of using direct to and heading mode it drifts into several miles After flying the route in heading mode, the ILS works at the destination but that's radio, not GPS
  13. Azlog

    Pause at TOD

    In the A310 and A300 you can set the glide slope capture altitude during the cruise and then arm profile mode (middle click on adjustment knob). Profile Descent will appear in blue under ALT on the PFD. Once you reach top of descent, Profile Descent will become active and start descending in accordance with the constraints on the flight plan. Great way to make sure you don’t miss it if AFK
  14. Hi. I’m also on series X and flying the A300. So far only the freighter version as I’d heard that the passenger version has some issues for some reason CTD on loading is an issue that has been unresolved since the A310 first appeared on the sim and is very frustrating. Don’t know why it happens to these 2 aircraft and no others Do you have any assistance settings turned on? Go into assistance and set as true to life. And also in somewhere else make sure the flight model is set to modern. This may well be the source of some of your problems. If you want markers or AI ATC assistance then you can go back in and reactivate these and it will be fine. Only issue I’ve had with autopilot was it deciding once to “ride the waves” while trying to decide whether or not to capture an ILS glide slope. Fortunately it was a cargo flight or there would have been a serious cleanup required in the cabin 😁 Aside from a couple of minor bugs like simbrief flight plan not loading into CDU, the main issue I’ve had with it is lag and stutters which again, the A310 is also very prone to when coming into large airports, especially at night or in bad weather
  15. Flare at 30ft and pull the power back at 20ft works fine for me most of the time. If you’ve got. Strong headwind you might want to pull the power back a little later and a strong tailwind you’ll want to pull the power back earlier. In a desktop sim you don’t have the feel and peripheral vision that you’d have in the real world that would let you judge being in level flight by 5ft and then letting it settle onto the runway. So chasing the 100fpm is very hard to do and won’t necessarily make it a good landing. So the question I have: do you feel like you are floating quite far down the runway in an attempt to chase that smooth landing but then not getting it? The engines should reach idle as you touch down. If they reach idle long before that (because you floated) then the aircraft runs out of energy and falls out of the sky. So you might think it looked smooth but you’ve got a 300+ fpm landing rate. You’ve got to fly it onto the runway - falling isn’t flying. Takes quite a bit to really get the hang of but it’s better to under-flare slightly than it is to over-flare
  16. The trouble is that you need to be able to see the navigational display at the bottom while flying. So the camera angle tries to cover everything. I use a keyboard and have saved camera angles for everything I need around the cockpit and so have a view similar to your “feels right” view that I use for takeoff and landing where I don’t need to see the ND and need better perspective out of the window
  17. Xbox series X. CTD every time unless: loading in from having had a CTD and not restarted the console recording a video using “start recording” on Xbox menu just prior to trying to load in
  18. I never had any issues with it on series X. Ran smoothly and flew like a dream. Bit laggy coming in to detailed airports but other than that it was fine. Just came off the beta and what’s the first thing that happened to me when trying to fly something else? CTD!
  19. Following the green dot is pretty tough. Can’t decided if the speed brakes just aren’t as good as the A310 (it has some pretty big speed brakes) or if something is lacking. Shouldn’t have to go more than 50% speed brake during flight but this does next to nothing I agree i get the same issues on takeoff and landing. Have to be very careful with the pull back on takeoff and landing and only retard the throttles to idle after the retard callout. The nose coming up after touchdown is a bit weird and I think needs sorted keyboard coming up on EFB is a bit of a pain autopilot disconnect is the red button on the side stick and needs pressed twice to make the alarm go away. Set a shortcut key
  20. I’ve had this too but I wondered if it was a beta server issue with live weather. I know that transitions between different weather in different areas isn’t the best in the sim so if the wind suddenly shifts or live weather goes off and comes back on it would cause this
  21. Ok I’m happy with all of my points now minus the occasional strange departure route. Getting used to how it flies by being careful to only pull back a little at rotation so the faint crosshair reaches the green bar and leave it there. Then on landing, I think I was almost pre-empting the retard call out due to other Airbus builds floating down the runway if you didn’t get the power off quickly. This was causing too much energy loss and having to pull too hard to flare. Quite why it suddenly went so dramatically nose up when the wheels touched down is maybe something that still needs looked at but I didn’t have such a problem with the last landing I did
  22. I just spotted the APPR VIA button on my screenshot. Will try pressing it later to see if that gives me transitions
  23. 1) the vhf1 was muted (in) so pulling it out and increasing the volume fixed this 2) pressing CLR made the code disappear and allowed code to be entered 3) see attached screenshots. No via listed to select. May waypoint missing as this is part of the transition. Works perfectly in the A310 5) understood - that worked 9) ok. Found it strange as so prominent in the sound mix in default A20N and LVFR builds
  24. I might be overthinking this, but is the aircraft going into ground mode too quickly after touchdown as a reason for number 8? It would explain why the nose suddenly goes up in the air if elevator deflection matches side stick deflection in ground mode as I’m having to pull back pretty far to get it to flare
  25. Have to start by saying the new A320 NEO is really quite something. Looks and sounds great and I can’t wait for the full release. Have done a few flights in it on the Xbox series X and have noticed the following: Can’t hear ATC voices Transponder code stays showing 7000 No transitions for arrivals at any airport tried so far Strange departure route (EGPH departure GRICE3C 24 took me for a tour of Scotland before heading to GRICE) Can’t enter in ILS or VOR codes into MCDU Radio Nav page EDDN runway 28 had no ILS glide slope or DME Controls feel sluggish during rotation but then super sensitive once the wheels leave the ground like it’s trying to go into space Controls feel very sluggish on approach with the flare being almost impossible to initiate but as soon as the wheels touch down the nose goes shooting up Hydraulic pump “barks” missing when engines start and stop
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