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Everything posted by Marcocessna84

  1. Gents, Trust me I understand you all. Have you tried to check your event viewer for the CTD to narrow it down a little more. Most of the time CTD's can be narrowed down to a single file or program. If you could place the CTD via Event Viewer here maybe it would shed some light on the actual fault that would help the staff pinpoint the problem. Its a long shot. Cheers
  2. Can you try to narrow the CTD down by looking into your Event viewer? This will pinpoint the actual cause.
  3. @Sthackrey Are you using any add-ons for that area?
  4. @ElaiB It's located where you can open close doors and utilize the pushback option.
  5. @Sthackrey Are you using Steam? By chance? Have you tried a repair of the Sim through the app itself ?
  6. Hot starts happen when fuel switch is turned over before N2 establishes the proper rotation. Pretty normal.
  7. @Sthackrey You could try to delete the exe.xml and content.xml and let the sim rebuild a new one. Not sure 100% of this would resolve it but a try worth it.
  8. @SUNBREEZE this setting can be removed in the sim, Its the thermal assist settings for glider planes. Has nothing to do with addon.
  9. Are you using DX12? I am not sure if that might be a reason, maybe the admins can speak more on that matter. I do not run DX12. I use DX11 since some add ons are not compatable or proper function with it. Again I would ask the admins about DX12.
  10. @Rodrigo Martins what res are you running the sim on? Check your TAA and its resolution in the sim settings under general display. it if is higher than your screen res that would be someting you could adjust as well. Let me know. Also I see in your pic of the task manager your using FS Realistic. That eats your memory as well as for this is in idvidual program that requires RAM. I got ride of mine when it comes to certain add ons.
  11. From my experience in the sim, if you change the realism, gyro, p-factor etc… this helps a little with the left tendency pulling. Try it out. As far as the steering and tiller. I use my capt stick with pedals combined.
  12. Marcocessna84


    Can you provide little more insight to your CTD? Event viewer what software version of msfs2020 . Have you tried to repair the sim? In order to understand more of what possible could be the trigger for the CTD
  13. For windows calibration there is a default calibration mode. Go to Windows Search Type: Set up USB game controllers Select the TCA and click properties Click Settings then Calibrate Perform the calibration. For sensitivity yes 0 and 0 or what ever you default is set to. For cross bindings meaning ensuring there are no other functions set up with the controller for the purpose you would assign a function to. Hope this eases and helps more.
  14. There is a settings in the EFB you can adjust the brightness for the cargo lights should you have not done that already. Let me know if that did help or resolve. Cheers
  15. Try deleting your rolling cache and see if that helps at all. I am just curious about that. Also try using the optimized textures from the app itself instead of the high quality texture. I have downloaded these and it has improved the fps. Also on that note try to roll back your gpu drivers a notch. DX12 if this is selected can cause some issues.
  16. Fellow Captains, The TCA Throttle set up works but it is finicky and you have to play a little with it. I have the Captain set up and have no problems. In the other notes I added a few links and described that you have to do several things firdt for it to work. If these are not followed there is a higher chance it will continue to be that way. Step one - ensure the calibration outside of the Sim has been completed. There are 2 calibrations needed. One is the windows calibration itself and one from the TCA YouTube video. Step two- update all hardware components from the TCA page using the software that can be downloaded. Step three - delete any and all profiles in sim and create a new profile rename to A300 or what ever you choose. Step four- ensure your sensitivity is at default and there are no cross bindings set up. Step five- once you load the plane in sim your TCA throttle must be at idle nothing else set to. Step six- press F1 on keyboard to ensure the idle detent is present Step seven- go to EFB Select calibration start , set throttle max reverse first than hit the max reverse on your EFB . For idle reverse slightly move the throttle a little forward but not to where is goes fully idle hit select idle reverse on EFB. Now move to idle position select idle on EFB and finally move throttle to max hit on EFB and hit save. Now once completed if you decide to and want you can go to the config file and adjust the numbers a little but not to much. Hope this helps. Again it's a little work but it will be fine. Coding isn't perfect and as mentioned before as expected little work must be done. Nothing is perfect. Cheers
  17. Fellow Captains, The TCA Throttle set up works but it is finicky and you have to play a little with it. I have the Captain set up and have no problems. In the other notes I added a few links and described that you have to do several things first for it to work. If these are not followed there is a higher chance it will continue to be addressed on here. Please take the 10-15 minutes time to set it up. Nothing that is plug and play automatically will work right of the bat. You have to do your part. Step one - ensure the calibration outside of the Sim has been completed. There are 2 calibrations needed. One is the windows calibration itself and one from the TCA YouTube video. Step two- update all hardware components from the TCA page using the software that can be downloaded. Step three - delete any and all profiles in sim and create a new profile rename to A300 or what ever you choose. Step four- ensure your sensitivity is at default and there are no cross bindings set up. Step five- once you load the plane in sim your TCA throttle must be at idle nothing else set to. Step six- press F1 on keyboard to ensure the idle detent is present Step seven- go to EFB Select calibration start , set throttle max reverse first than hit the max reverse on your EFB . For idle reverse slightly move the throttle a little forward but not to where is goes fully idle hit select idle reverse on EFB. Now move to idle position select idle on EFB and finally move throttle to max hit on EFB and hit save. Now once completed if you decide to and want you can go to the config file and adjust the numbers a little but not to much. Hope this helps. Again it's a little work but it will be fine. Coding isn't perfect and as mentioned before as expected little work must be done. Nothing is perfect. Cheers
  18. @jez481 Fellow Captains, The TCA Throttle set up works but it is finicky and you have to play a little with it. I have the Captain set up and have no problems. In the other notes I added a few links and described that you have to do several things firdt for it to work. If these are not followed there is a higher chance it will continue to be that way. Step one - ensure the calibration outside of the Sim has been completed. There are 2 calibrations needed. One is the windows calibration and from the TCA YouTube video itself. Step two- update all hardware components from the TCA page . Step three - delete any and all profiles in sim and create a new profile rename to A300 or what ever you choose. Step four- ensure your sensitivity is at default and there are no cross bindings set up. Step five- once you load the plane in sim your TCA throttle must be at idle nothing else set to. Step six- press F1 on keyboard to ensure the idle detent is present Step seven- go to EFB Select calibration start , set throttle max reverse than hit the max reverse on your EFB . For idle reverse slightly move the throttle a little forward but not to where is goes fully idle hit select idle reverse on EFB. Now move to idle position select idle on EFB and finally move throttle to max hit on EFB and hit save. Now once completed if you decide to and want you can go to the config file and adjust the numbers a little but not to much. Hope this helps. Again it's a little work but it will be fine. Coding isn't perfect and as mentioned before as expected little work must be done. Nothing is perfect. Cheers
  19. Simple fix for that is to calculate the TOD: ( Current FL - Airport Elevation that you x by 3 ( 33000 ft - 364 ft = 32636 ft x 3 = 97.8 NM before Airport you would start your decent). To calculate a good rate of decent would be to take your speed and ÷ by half and x by 10 ( 280 ÷2 =140 x10 = 1400 ft decent rate. ) This is a temp solution until the team can fix it. Cheers mate. Math is part of flying.
  20. @Caribflyer I posted several links above for the calibration process. You can download the TCA Config file and adjust your number accordingly. Important is the sensitivity settings in your sim, the profile your using to calibrate , the calibration of your hardware by itself and making sure it's updated the software. Try these first should you have problems still after making further attempts let me know.
  21. @Chris89636 hello Chris, Please can you provide us with more details? Also if possible please load up the eventviewer for review. Thank you.
  22. It's the vram that is the problem. Try to download the 4K optimal texture through the app and see if that stops the stutters. Let me know if that helps.
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