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C. Schaffhausen

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Everything posted by C. Schaffhausen

  1. Self-explanatory. Unless you want your eardrums blown you wouldn't wanna get anywhere close to the APU in external view.
  2. You can already map TA/RA, TA, or standby mode using LVAR already. Not sure about transponder STBY/AUTO though.
  3. Should be easy enough to reproduce from the dev team, setup the aircraft on the rwy and set a SID, takeoff then change your SID, should crash in less than a minute 😉
  4. I think they might have used the same flaps and models for both variants. The -1000 has slightly larger wings where the trailing edge is extended slightly, which is similar to the Inibuilds model. Here's a -1000 wing for reference.
  5. I observed that the LOC does not capture if the aircraft is still turning towards a selected HDG, even if the aircraft is right on the LOC. LOC* only happen after the aircraft is in the direction of the selected HDG.
  6. Two scenarios: I had an departure out of RJTT, which I first entered the wrong SID but corrected with the right SID before takeoff. I then took off but realized the SID is still wrong. I entered the waypoints manually but soon my screens were frozen. I was arriving into EBBR, and realized that I did not enter the approach transition. I was already in the STAR, and I tried to enter the transition; no response from the MFD, then I cleared the STAR and re-entered the approach, route modified, but also ended with a screen freeze. Suspected both are WASM crash of the same nature.
  7. Thank you! A fair comparison here from a Finnair A359.
  8. Tried my best to capture the same angle in the sim, the first one is taken by myself. The more I look at the inibuilds, the more it looks like an A330 wing. There seems to be some issue with the flap modelling/spoiler position, on the real plane the blue line intersects the orange line dividing the orange line roughly in half Where as on the inibuilds model, the ratio is quite different.
  9. I think the clickspots for those swiches should also be the other way round as well
  10. After looking at this comparison video, you can see a few issues with the Inibuild A350's wing Flap Track fairing - incorrect shape. Sharklet - incorrect shape. Wing - looks like the chord is too long, which also resulted in a bigger sharklet in sim At 2:50, after second engine start, you can see the spoilers raised a tiny bit. I believe the same feature existed on the FBW A380, and was done IRL so the spoilers and the flaps don't scrape with each other during extension/retraction. Flap position and geometry: after flap extension, you can see a gap exist between the flaps and the spoiler on the real thing; while the Inibuilds one just doesn't have it From another post: Gap between inboard and outboard flap is missing; related the flap position and geometry Speedbrake extension: extends/retracts too quickly There is still a long way ahead for the A350, but I remain hopeful as Inibuild brought us a relatively good product in a short time. Hopefully the devs can look at the above issues. Cheers Video link:
  11. A bit of clarification needed, so with EFIS Traffic off, TCAS on TA/RA, I have no crash at all. If I want to see traffic on my ND, can I switch on EFIS Traffic, but keep TCAS in STBY or TA ONLY? Would that crash the system?
  12. I first had this issue on the A300 when it launched, and now the A350 also seem to have it. When callout is paced a bit unevenly, like this: 50...40...........30...20 Retard...10 There is a very noticeable gap between 40 and 30, I go through the landing videos and it seems the pacing is a bit strange compared to the radio altimeter reading. Can the team take a look? The landing is a huge part of jet flying and getting it right adds a lot of points to this add-on. Thank you!
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  13. Thanks for the tip, I did take a look in the console but did not notice wasm related entries. Please fix this soon so we can fly the A350 again!
  14. Same here, gotta ground the A350 for now
  15. I had sustained a suspected WASM crash flying out of Dubai to Doha, 2 flights with all systems frozen on the ground during taxi, while the other was airborne at roughly 5000ft to 7000ft. I was flying on VATSIM and turning TCAS to TA/RA, turning on the TERR & WXR display seems to be one of the triggers. I haven't tried flying without the WXR/TERR so I can't confirm. I have recorded my departure, this is the 3rd flight so I was kinda expecting it to happen. System freeze happened at 14:50, right after turning on TA/RA, WXR and TERR. https://youtu.be/scSg0aTp8Go I uninstalled and reinstalled the aircraft before flying the third flight, WASM folder was cleared completely.
  16. I don't think they fixed that at all, not even the outermost spoiler position at flaps full.
  17. I don't see the limitation of 2020 when it comes to airframe-specific configuration. Many developers were able to achieve that in 2020 and I encourage Inibuilds to integrate this feature. Same thing for the virtual cabin, while the cabin in 2024 is very detailed, perhaps a partial implementation is possible in 2020? Perhaps a lite version? 2024 is too unflyable for myself, so some upgrade to the 2020 version would be awesome. Thank you team!
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  18. The N1 animation accelerated way too quickly, there are some good references available for comparison with the in sim behavior.
  19. I've flown 2 long haul flights and both had issues in which the AP disconnected and the plane flew in circles. Not sure why AP disconnected, the plane was at very slow speed when I realized and entered A.FLOOR with a slow descent at roughly F300-320.
  20. Hello, I have a practice of editing custom instrument views for my aircraft. With FS2024 it's not as straight forward as the camera.cfg is on the cloud. Is it possible for Inibuilds to offer a mod file to insert to the community folder so I can at least modify the instrument view for not just the 330, but all your aircraft? Mang thanks.
  21. Thank god, I should have known better! I thought the files were on the cloud so I didn't bother, I renamed FX_Heat_Engine.spb to FX_Heat_Engine.off and no heat blur now, finally~!
  22. The heat blur in FS2024 seems a bit excessive, is there a way to turn it down or disable it? Thank you team!
  23. As titled, very unfortunate ORBX didn't work dynamic lights into the sim. Can you please make one? Thank you!
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