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  1. Disregard, i only checked for the FINAL 3 ...
  2. Flew an RNAV into LFPG (Paris) this morning. Worked as expected, no issues. Oliver
  3. @Nico - Gumby pls have a look at ... cheers Oliver
  4. Now, thats the 3rd post regarding the same one issue ... Pls read first - think first - post. Otherwise it makes following the forums a p i t a. Thank you Oliver
  5. Hmm, maybe there is a misunderstanding. See attached image. First time i am seeing it that misaligned. Are you guys using a specific font to display the import from simbrief? Maybe thats causing the issue of the misaligned presentation. A character-set with fixed letter size and spacing would fix it then ... , idk, just a guess...
  6. On the above mentioned panel (pedestal ) The SYS switch does not play a sound when toggled from OFF to 2 and back ... Oliver
  7. This is indeed a very strange bug for you guys. Nevertheless, it cannot be stressed enough, that you all check your Hardware controllers for ANY key binds that may conflict. Important ! Some binds are set AUTOMATICALLY for your attached hardware inside MSFS. HC Alpha and Bravos especially. Since i am using SPAD.Next, I've cleared out ANY of them and kept only the Nosewheel steering assignment, since that is common for most of my aircraft. NEXT: Whenever i update an aircraft or 3rd party tool, i am also clearing the "m-files" which are compiled by some of them. They will be (automatically) recompiled on the next load of the addon. No harm is done by deleting these files.! You can find them here for the respective addon: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages DO NOT TOUCH the "work" folder, unless you want to loose your settings for that addon and start setting up from scratch. Important !: Once you have loaded into the addon, bail out of MSFS again and reload for your flight - DONE. It has become a habit and so far i have not had any issues. Especially now with the ini A300. Next thing i noticed: If you leave MSFS via //42 FLOW Pro - EXIT, the A300 (only one i noticed that) may CTD. If MSFS is exited the normal way via its Menus - no CTD. Maybe this helps ... Oliver
  8. Ignition Selector off ?
  9. Hi, i am pretty happy about some new features and bug fixes in this version. For a future release, can you please have the OFP being displayed in a more formatted way. Its really hard to read, the way it is now ... Thank you, keep it up Three greens Oliver
  10. Completely wrong, it runs perfectly fine on a WIN11 8600k, 2080ti, 770GB in Community. No stutters, (almost) no lags ... Its just a well maintained install ...
  11. The most realistic answer to an unnecessary question ... Idk whats wrong with THAT ...
  12. The easiest way is to rename your "Community" folder. Create a new one (MSFS is even creating that for you on start..) and COPY the stuff over you want to test. Once finished RENAME the folders back. You can LEAVE the folder, created for testing where it is. (PROVIDED it is not called "Community" anymore. NO deleting or moving of stuff required !! Pls spread the word ... Oliver
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