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Everything posted by LineDX

  1. Thank you Eddie.
  2. Brightness and bloom issue in FS2024. There is no option or config file for adjustments in FS2024. ANF is fine in FS2020. Overall cockpit lighting is way better in 2020. Microsoft needs to give users and option to control bloom and brightness.
  3. LineDX

    Bad FPS

    Hi ini team, please don't decrease the art quality for the sake of better fps. To be honest ini 350 visual model, VC and textures are leading edge and best ever art and texture work I have ever seen in the flight sim in past 2 decades. The art, modelling and textures give near to real look. Please keep it the same. For some people even with high end machines, they like to run 4k and want maximum fps(more than 40 is irrelevant I guess). What's the point of having 100+ fps by compromising the visual quality. Does not make any sense. My 2 cents
  4. LineDX

    Printer ?

    No please. Reminds me of Aerosoft. It's a paperless aircraft, so please keep it green and save the trees. The virtual paper in the VC looks ugly. No thanks.
  5. I think ini did pretty good model. I dont see a need to change that. My 2 cents
  6. Someone posted on avsim. Will give it a try later today. "If anyone is suffering with WASM crashes in the A350 I would suggest try flying with the TCAS completely switched off. I suspect many of the crashes are being caused by the same issue that has plagued PMDG, and indeed happened to me a few times in the 737 in 2020 until I just left TCAS turned off. If I recall correctly PMDG last year suggested the crash was due to Simconnect becoming overwhelmed (can't seem to find the thread currently), but it may be worth a try until Asobo can hopefully fix this issue once and for all."
  7. Someone posted on avsim. Will give it a try later today. "If anyone is suffering with WASM crashes in the A350 I would suggest try flying with the TCAS completely switched off. I suspect many of the crashes are being caused by the same issue that has plagued PMDG, and indeed happened to me a few times in the 737 in 2020 until I just left TCAS turned off. If I recall correctly PMDG last year suggested the crash was due to Simconnect becoming overwhelmed (can't seem to find the thread currently), but it may be worth a try until Asobo can hopefully fix this issue once and for all."
  8. Noticed it too
  9. Same here.
  10. Same here. Random freezing at random occasions. Happening after the update 1.02
  11. Same. Random freezing on random occasions after update to 1.02.. Did not happen before.
  12. Same. Getting freezing and jitters after update
  13. Same here with the new update but it happens randomly on random variants and random occasions.
  14. Update :same thing happening in FS2024 with 1000 Etihad variant at the button of the runway just when applying t/o power. It's all happening after the update.
  15. HI guys, getting random displays freeze since updated to V1.02. Tested with -900 EK livery 5 times. Happened during push back, taxi and initial climb after everything setup as per SOP. Very annoying, before update did not happen once. Now on every flight with 350 in FS2020. Cleared the WASM folder couple of times, reinstalled this morning but same issue. Events: Grounding it until a new update comes next Friday. When it works, it works like a charm but disappointed to see these issues. Frustrating. 😞 😞 😞
  16. Hi guys, after intial load, everything set. On pushback all the displays freeze. Happened twice dep from YUL(stock airport). It was fine with v1 and v. 01
  17. Had the same issue. It works at some airports and does not at others. YUL 24r shows FLS no sls where there is LPV available YHZ, tried sls and worked as intended just like and ILS. Beautiful.
  18. It's the brightness and bloom issue in FS2024. Guess have to use nvidia filters.
  19. Hi guys, noticed cursor movement is stuttering and quite jittery on the displays. It's not fluid smooth like flybywire a380. Please fix. Thanks
  20. LineDX

    VNAV issue

    Hi Vrishabh, thank you for a prompt reply. It happed on YHZ-YUL flight OMBRE2 ARR for ILS 24R approach. It happened on turning from downwind and base leg when IAS automatically jumps to 250kts for a few seconds then gets back to normal. Now everytime I have to ininitate the app mode way earlier to avoid this situation. FYI Also coming for SLS/LPV app t/d is too late, have to go for a hold to des down. Vdev is close to 5000+ ft. Happed on rnav 23 sls YUL-YHZ with fundy5 are and YUL-Yqm legs where I tried the sls approachs so far. For ILS approaches td is ok. Both the segments planned altitude is FL410 Also noticed the offset does not work on sec flt plan. The option is grayed out when click on anyway. On act flt plan offset works as intended.
  21. Noticed it few times
  22. LineDX

    VNAV issue

    Noticed the same
  23. Thank you Pablo. Really appreciate your comments. Indeed it's a great aircraft with lots of dedicated work developing this ac. Thank you for promising those bugs will be taken care of and to improve this product ovetime. Happy to have the aircraft to do day to day flying while you guys continue to make improvements. This aircraft has a huge potential. To be honest the systems, and available information in the flight deck makes you fall in love with this ac. Like, ois, on board charts, acars, big displays and many more. Thank you. I could not agree more on your statement "it's a live product"
  24. Few issues to report: 1-after loading a350 in 2020, sometimes flight deck buttons and switches don't work. If restart the flight, everything back to normal. Experienced it a few times. 2-the aircraft does not do SLS/LPV APPROACH. Tried YUL rnav z 24r. When doing Appr it does fls instead of sls/LPV. Does not show waas ch 80494 w-24d. 3-no ice detect msg even flying into icing conditions (10'c or less and visible moisture). Gave ice detect msg only once during taking off from cyhz. 4- 2024 after the patch, 1/8 portion of the landing gears burried in ground. Wasn't there before the patch. 5-ILS 24r YUL. In Auto land plane is not on the centerline on touch down. Little to the left. 6- when programming OFFSET, after selecting the ending waypoint. The waypoint list does not go away unless you press the esc key on kccu. Normally when you select /click an item the list goes away. Hope ini team fix these bugs before new patch. Ini team did an amazing job making this amazing aircraft but the beta testers team somehow failed to report many bugs during the testing phase. Friend of mine makes some F's add-ons. He says in Fs commutiny many of the beta testers just want to have their hands on the new products and sometimes fail to report the bugs. Progrmaers can only write the code, but testers are the one who let programmers know where the problems are and what needs to fixed. My 2 cents. Highlighting the above mentioned issue does not mean to critisize the team but to identify the issues so that they can be taken care of.
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