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Everything posted by spider24

  1. Also FLARE is missing.
  2. Hi! This new LOWI version looks really nice one the screenshots. But some details there are not visible and also not in the feature list. I would like to know before to buy, if those followed after, are simulated: Does this scenery have the rabbit lights on approach RW26? Are also the new "simple touch down zone lights" on each end simulated? ... they marks the ultimate end of the touchdown zone. Thanks Mark
  3. I'm missing the HDG Bug on the PFD, while doing an FPA approach or flying on HDG selected during enroute and so on. Fan anyone verify this? Maybe Im doing something wrong, while selecting the HDG on Autopilot.
  4. No comments ???? I would like to know, if i'm wrong (or understand it wrong) or if this is really a bug.
  5. The first pics are on ground; the following prics are from enroute.
  6. Hi! Are those levels correct? I think the levels on ECAM are incorrected.
  7. Hi! Anyone knows, why there is a discrepancy between the simbreif TRP fuel and the calculated FMS TRP fuel. The difference ist most of the time about 1t. The used fuel at the end of the flight ist how calculated with simbrief; only at programming there is this big difference. Winds, flightlevel and so on is programmed correctly. I use the INI simbrief profile and I fligh the A300-600F.
  8. Same here. I got a V1 callout - but only at one time a few days ago. Since there - nothing 😞 The minimum-callout I din't ever heard.
  9. UPDATE: After a reset of the plane and an airport change to EDDM, the ADF now works. ..... 😉 .... interesting
  10. Hi! I'm not get the ADF-needles to work. I set the IKA201 frequ on ADF CPT side, Tone On, selector on ADF and the ADF1 light is lighting. But ... the needles don't move. Any idea?
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