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  1. Hi, There is only one channel accessible to me in the inibuilds discord server. What am I missing?
  2. Hi there, I have a cruise speed question for A350-900. I recently fly short legs for testing purpose and found that cuirse speed is a mystery for me. Yestday I did a LFPO-LFBO flight, CI=30, cuirse altitude=FL280. During the climb phase it went all normal, once the aircraft reach FL280 the magaged speed is reduced to 234 KIAS. This happens on every 'low cuirse level' flights. Can someone please tell me what did I do wrong?
  3. Overall bad FPS is the number one factor that keeps me away of the A350.
  4. Is there a way to connect passenger stairs (not GSX ones). I don't see any button but the model does exist in the SimObject folder.
  5. Hi there, According to the releasing video the nose gear is obviously modeled too much foward and a little bit too high too. Will report more after I start to fly this beautiful bird. Thanks.
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