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Everything posted by vaudes

  1. thanks m8
  2. Hello all, With Realsistic mode activated, we are suppose to control the level of brake. Can someone point me where I have to check this? I didn't find anything looking at the rear of the main gear? Thanks.
  3. vaudes

    V1.03 sounds

    Dear Nico, Will try and let you know. You confirm the correct way to set minimums is set the RA in DH windows and also the minimum in the FMC? Thanks
  4. vaudes

    V1.03 sounds

    Hello there, 1/ there is a huge different in airflow in the cockpit volume when engines are at idle or at full power. It seems that sound system is balancing between the two, but when engines are at idle air flow sound is too loud in my opinion 2/ I still have no minimum callout? Is it mbecause most of the time minimum is ste at 200' RA and there is alos a 200t call? 3/ Each time I rotate I hear like a voice but I am unable to understand what is said. Is it from Inibuilds?
  5. Hello there, first time fro me I encountered this. I run V1.03, did a previous flight of more of 3hours with no issue. After having start back MSFS, on another flight, did have that after obtaining LOC* during an ILS interception. Was about at 4000ft, 220kn. Avionics and engines were on during the fall. I didn't have time to notice the fuel or any other things (I wasn't aware of this topic). I run a Ryzen 7 5800X with a 1080. I did flown maybe 20 flights without any issue. If it can helps.
  6. Yes as far as I recall
  7. Did other flights this week-end. And I receive a minimum call out on one flight but not on the other. I believe this is because it is mixed with other sounds that have more priority? Anyway, callout in true life are louder. Thanks.
  8. Hello to the team, I am new to GSX but I meet some problems where GSX works partially on A300 PAX and works OK on A300 Freight. When I say partially, means I am able to request puschback and some service, but stairs are not visible even if GSX says it has operated. ANybod have faced this? What is the solution? Thanks.
  9. Since V103 I made 2 flights. One was normal. On the second one I get an Cabin Altitude Warning passing 10000ft. 2 flights configured the same on pressurisation panel.
  10. Hello, did my first leg with the updated version, the call-out sound are too low, I belive it should be more loud. Also I seem to don't have heard the minimum call-out, all DH and MDA were configured. Thanks
  11. +1 I would love to find this one. Thanks to the painters!
  12. Dear painter, anyone willing to do a Lufthansa Cargo repaint? Thanks a lot!
  13. Also the rear one is placed well rear. Generally it is situated between the rear gear. Also, is it normal that the above and below beacon doesn't flash at the same time?
  14. On mys side I did calibrate through the EFB and then I just changed the neurtral to dead zone in the % and added a dead zone a 4%. Also during the calibration at idle, I ensured and forced to be at a "true" idele by pulling hard the throttle. Seems to be good for me
  15. I guess the key is to set the sensitivity curve in msfs, by default any small input of rudder has a huge consequence in the behaviour
  16. +1
  17. +1 Without comparing the products, PMDG 737 allows user to configure the call-outs. I think it would be good to be able to configure if we want it or not. But since, there is no virtual copilot such as FS2crew expected for the A300, it would be a nice feature to have a little bit of life in the cockpit.
  18. Hello, Made another flight today, and com2 was acting exactly as com1. Strange on the first time. Subkect can be closed and even removed if you wish. Thanks for support.
  19. Hello there COM2 switching frequency is different from COM1 logic, and seems to be wrong for me. If I dial on right box the target frequency, when switching it will automatically dial the frequency in the left box.
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