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  1. On this video I can hear the turbo fans.
  2. I love this plane but uninstalled it from my library because of the sound. After SU13, I reinstalled it just to have a look at the modifications of the sound and still very bad to me. It doesn't sound like the real plane, I can't hear the turbo fans at full power. It's clear Inibuilds didn't record the sound on a real plane. So I uninstalled it again until they have something real.
  3. Anyway, to me the flight model of this plane is really bad and need a very important overall. Things are going very slow and I don't expect an update very soon.
  4. It would be nice if the strobe lights can be more apparent like the beacon. Actually they are not visible from a short distance from the plane.
  5. I understand your point but if you trim it down before taking off, it will react normally. I never had any such problem. As for the trim, it's very sensitive, I admit, but I found by acting very quickly in both direction help a lot on manual flying. Give one notch up followed rapidly by one notch down keep the descent or climb okay.
  6. No problem with the AP as well. All assistances are OFF for me.
  7. Andre_V

    Power back

    I just received the confirmation from Antonov that the AN225 reversers are not used to power back the plane. Only a tow truck.
  8. Andre_V

    Power back

    Ok thanks.
  9. Andre_V

    Power back

    I don't know if it normal, but how come it's impossible to power back the plane with 6 engines ? The plane move by itself forward on idle and can't power back full thrust reverser ! To me it's not normal. Mostly all planes can power back. Increase the engine power on reverse please and try to fix the fact it move forward on idle.
  10. Also I would like so much new cargo's items in future updates. Military trucks, plane's engines would be great.
  11. Oh my friend, thank you so much for these videos of the AN225. I was looking for that kind of videos because my main concern is not the buttons coloration but the seats position of both Captain and Copilot in our actual version. I was hopping they change that in this new update but still really disappointed about that. Fortunately they updated the sound package and I really love it. I had a long discussion about seats position and even with pictures, videos they are not convinced the yoke is not correctly positioned. Check my discussion here. On your first video it's clear the yoke is much closer to the dashboard and on the third video looking at the smaller video view where the pilot is seen from the side view, we can see his body is aligned with the smaller side window of the plane. Look in your MSFS model and you'll find the seat position is much backward. They really need to correct that which to me is the most important amelioration to do before the buttons. But I agree, your suggestions would increase the realism. If they still not convinced about the seat position after looking at your videos, I just don't know what to tell more.
  12. The most beautiful sound while cruising is at power setting 104% where the turbofans can be hear. But to get that, I very slightly lower the speed brake lever and set manually the power setting to maintain 510 km/h at FL330. On AT at 94% normal power setting, I don't really like the sound, can't hear the turbofans at all. Also I find the engine rumbling is not loud enough when viewing the plane from the back. In a future update it would be nice if you can make it a little louder while cruising. I really like the taxi sound, much closer to the real thing.
  13. Congratulation about the new sound set. Much different and much closer to the AN-124 now. I love it. Cockpit sound and outside sound are really well balanced. You did a great job on this point.
  14. Tell me, are you planning to make the AN225 better in the future or you are happy as is ? Does any udates are planned ?
  15. Hi. Two kind of cargos I would like to see in the future is army trucks and equipment. Would be fun to carry those items from base to base. Antoher thing I would like to see as I works 35 years for Rolls-Royce are aircraft engines. Surely three engines would fit together. Very nice cargo to carry from airport to airport for maintenance.
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