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Everything posted by village1111

  1. It isn´t a general Problem. Check your library and your content.xml that all other OMDB sceneries are disabled. In my case these are 3 other OMDB aiports (Gaya, MSFS2020 Premium Version, MSFS2020 Deluxe Version)!!!
  2. The lights was fixed with 1.0.1, but the wrong sign is there yet.
  3. is not "D", correct is "E8" there also wrong lights on the runway
  4. in the ini Manager 🙂
  5. If I click at "HD Textures", in the .json-file there is use the SD Textures. So if you want to use th HD textures, ju must select the SD Textures.
  6. I don´t have this problem after WU17
  7. I landed with the Fenix A320 at 07R.
  8. at 319 with Fenix there is a problem:
  9. No problems with Fenix
  10. Works fine with all Updates and photogrammetry on.
  11. Is there an update please or does everyone have to do it themselves to fix it?
  12. The lighting for the letter “L” and the number 15 is defective at all gates.
  13. village1111

    nool VGDS

    They don't work and are on the ground at all the gates.
  14. village1111

    nool VGDS

    I have the same problem, also with EGLL. It doesn´t work anymore at EGSS and EGLL.
  15. You find it at the iniManager.
  16. Yes, this screenshot was created with version 1.2.1
  17. In some cases that needs 4 until 8 weeks. Is better to use the transfer of your order with the IniManager.
  18. Any response?🤔
  19. Spelling error in the word "Arrivals" on all signs in front of and in the terminal.
  20. Hello, is there another expansion with buildings planned for this addon? e.g. on the palm islands and in the city
  21. These don't look good when connected to an airplane. (rear area towards the terminal)
  22. Picture 1: - the signs are clearly the wrong way round, as the floor markings are correct. Picture 2: - the sign on the right has the same content as on the left. When turning off a runway, different signs are used. Picture 3: - the sign on the left has the same content as the one on the right. When turning off a runway, different signs are used. Picture 4: - the sign on the right has the same content as on the left. When turning off a runway, different signs are used. - there are too many manhole covers, it looks unrealistic
  23. There seem to be too many manhole covers in picture 4
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