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Deleted Account

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Everything posted by Deleted Account

  1. Yes, more information would be needed. Can you realiably reproduce this? If yes, how? Thanks in advance!
  2. Nope, manual gear extension doen´t work. You wont need it anyways though, as there is no gear failure.
  3. Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\Official\Steam\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\SimObjects\Airplanes\microsoft_a310_300\texture
  4. For the moment please remove custom airports from your community folder. We are actively looking for a solution to this, but for now this is the only workaround unfortunately.
  5. No problem with LGSA29 here for me. 3348 is displayed as the first number as intended.
  6. The aircraft uses the default Microsoft Navdata, so you shouldn´t need to update anything.
  7. Shouldn´t need to input it anywhere else. Can you tell me the Airport + Runway please?
  8. That unfortunately doesn´t help me in reproducing or in helping you on how to fix the issue. Please provide more information.
  9. nope, updating the navdata should fix the issue
  10. It will be some Airport in your Community folder, that uses custom navdata. We will definitely pass this along.
  11. have you tried updating as well or are you no longer subscribed?
  12. Crashing on entering From/To probably is related to this:
  13. please submit a Direct Support ticket and we will go from there, thanks 🙂 https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  14. No, sorry, that wont be possible as we use custom code for the FMS.
  15. Sorry, i actually gave you the wrong path. Please put the .fpl file here yoursteamfolder\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\Official\Steam\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\Data\FMS plans Here is a sample file, with which i can confirm it works when you enter the FROM/TO in your FMC. KPNSKLAX.fpl
  16. Can you define what you mean with "get back to the cabin"? Physically? Your camera gets stuck? If so, navigating the mesh can be a bit finicky, if you get stuck just go back a bit and try a little bit further to the left or right
  17. could you please provide a screenshot of the overhead panel?
  18. There is a "hockeystick" on the ND as well as a T/D waypoint in the FPL
  19. If you want to use the Ingame ATC, youll have to create the Flightplan with the world map first. You can see how to in this video.
  20. You can also add the flightplans manually if you want to. Youll need to add a "flightplans" folder here: MS Store version: C:\Users\yournamehere\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\work Steam: C:\Users\yournamehere\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\work
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