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Everything posted by Aburek

  1. Fuel transfers to the trim tank for cruise CG control its a rather sensitive (and pretty unreliable) system which doesnt allow for long range flights when inoperative. Some A300s didnt come with it actually, but all the A310-300s did. A310-200s did not. Anyway, when it transfers back to the center tank around 2200-2500 remains in the center and is not used. When you account the fuel in the manifold, it accounts for nearly 3000 lbs. Fuel is transferred by ground personnel. Its basically turning the center fuel tank pumps on and transferring the fuel to the wing tanks from the refuel panel below the right wing.
  2. Real world planning accounts for 2500-3000 lbs extra that gets trapped in the center tank. After each landing we have to transfer that fuel out as its not usable.
  3. It is in fact true, however I get the LOOPB test after A.
  4. Aburek

    Destnation EFOB

    Definitely not in F-PLAN. FUED PRED is about the only place I can find it. Our company aircraft show in the CRZ page. Just wasn’t sure if this was an MSFS limitation or if I did something wrong. FWIW I don’t own the XP version but have tried the setup on an actual A300 and it appears. Thanks for any help or insight.
  5. I’d also consider fuel factor as well. Our company A300s are averaging +4.0-5.0% so that would play into it as well.
  6. Aburek

    Destnation EFOB

    There is no such entry ill try to update a picture.
  7. Aburek

    Destnation EFOB

    Topic originally here: But was closed with no answer. Any idea why its blank? Thanks! Allan
  8. Saw this today for the first time myself. Also noticed fuel consumption was extremely slow but only when the cabin pressure issue was showing.
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