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  1. Here is a reference :
  2. Ah ! Finally found the note in the FCOM
  3. Hi, The Air Start Unit purpose is to start the engine by providing pressurized air. It is not intented to to provide "clean air" for the air conditioning system, same for Boeing aircraft btw. Like the common air compressor found in garage the air coming out smells bad because it is contamined by the oil which lubricates the compressor. Air conditioning on ground can be provided by the APU (very noisy) if running but also by preconditioned air unit (less noisy but still noisy ^^), you can easily recognized them with their big yellow pipes coming out. Hope it helps
  4. Did you set your DH to "-5" before takeoff as stated in the inibuild youtube videos "Return to Airliners" ?
  5. I bound mine with the control named "TOGGLE DISENGAGE AUTOPLIOT", when I press two times on my binded key it works perfectly. Hope it helps
  6. It is not related to NavData. The aircraft basically went from "NO NAV ACCURACY" (IRS does not know your position) to "NAV ACCURACY UPGRADE" (IRS knows where you are on the globe)
  7. I think IniBuild nailed it, the "base" package is a good compromise between quality and performance. High quality textures as Awemeter mentioned should only be included with their seperate "enhanced" expansion.
  8. I would like to had something too, the sound of the two rotary selectors on the overhead AC/DC voltage panel is quite loud, is it this loud in real life ? Otherwise the audio quality is really well made, thanks for the great job !
  9. Yourakk

    (too) Bad fps

    It would be nice to have an option somewhere in the EFB to disable the CPT/FO's CRTs, it could help performance wise (I'm not an expert) ?
  10. Heavy cargo fan here, having the A310-300F would be a blast x3* ! *engines included ^^
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