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Everything posted by pmplayer

  1. For me aswell the only one, look at the sims weight Section there the weight allways sits more in the back and i assume thats the reason for that.. cheers 😉
  2. I know this problem aswell, several times it happens to me. Tri to press your joystick forward to keep the nose from the airplane down to the runway this seems better working for me. Looks like the plane loses at higher speeds the contact to the runway and so this happens - just have a try.. cheers 😉
  3. And again with V.1.0.3 ðŸĪ” This time i was sitting in Front of the Monitor and the plane just fall off again - could be some memory management because my hard drive was working hard right before it happened.. And it happens betwin two waypoints right in the middle. cheers 😉
  4. And not one word from inibuilds ?? Seems they are not interessted to solve this problem or to investigate the matter to get to the point of this issue.. cheers ðŸĪ”
  5. Don't do any other fix for the future inibuilds, at least not until you find this "game breaker" error, I won't fly a meter with this plane anymore, wasting my time for nothing, sorry to say but this is a shame for everyone who has this error and there are a lot of them..
  6. Is there knowledge allready now that the "Fall out of the Sky" issue is fixed with that Version now ? Not seeing anything about that in the fixes of the update page.. cheers 😉
  7. After three flights with no "fall out of the sky" ( tought it was fixed for me ) at todays flight i had again a "fall out of the sky" so NO it is not fixed and still there - hopefully you inibuilds guys find to fix the problem because like this it kills the immersion and every flight seems like lottery game ðŸĪ” cheers 😉
  8. Second flight with V.1.0.2 - Flighttime 4h 40m and no "falling out of the sky" 😎 cheers 😉
  9. Do we have new Simbrief profiles for V.1.0.2 ? I am using this one`s Are these current I heard that the F variant has changed ore should change ? cheers 😉
  10. No, I don't because I want to live. But I am confident that the problem could be solved now..😎 cheers 😉
  11. I finished my first flight from EDDS to UWKD, flighttime was 3h 40m and from Start to the End of this flight everything worked like a dream - just beautiful !! No problems with holding the runway more or less straight on departure, fine NAV flight, top ILS capture, no falling out of the sky - what should i say could not be much better. Great update from inibuilds, love the sound now, had a real lot of fun with this flight. 👍 To say for the "falling out of the sky problem" i had before i have to do some more flights to make sure this thing is eliminated with this build, so if i have done some more flights i will reply back here, but so far so good ! cheers 😉
  12. That`s now something i can not understand, why should it work for me an not for others ? After shut down the engines did you wait about 30 seconds before you start the engines over the panelstate and do you see in the upper right of the EFB the full counter are fulling ? cheers 😉
  13. Same to me ! cheers 😉
  14. I am at the moment at my first flight with V.1.0.2 and my post with the workaround still works for me - did the fuel load a couple of minutes on the runway with no problems at all, worked very well just to report ! How do you guys shut down the engines ? I do it with the ENG1 and ENG2 shut down on the pedalstal and like this it works OK for me. And after ca. 30sek i start "Ready for Takeoff" panelstate on the EFB, the fuel counts up to my settings and i am ready to go.. cheers 😉
  15. Holy, so it looks like this "falling out of the sky" thing still exists after V.1.0.2 - if so, to bad..ðŸĪŠ cheers ðŸĪ”
  16. Is this with V.1.0.2 ? cheers 😉
  17. Have to DL the new Version first and will try and reply back but this can take sometime because i am not home at the moment.. cheers 😉
  18. Are u using V.1.0.2 ? This was done with V.1.0.1 and worked for me but i didn't tried with the NEW Version yet.. cheers 😉
  19. It does work for me the last time i did.. Did it like this ( workaround ) So if you on the runway trie it this way: First shot down the engines than go to the EFB load your Simbrief flightplan and load the fuel to the plane. You should now see the upper fuel counter goeing slowly up to your pln fuel. Now go and load the panel state "ready for takeoff" the engines slowly goes to work and the full is still count to the your desired fuel. If you load your flightplan into the FMC before this action you have do that again so the better way is first load your fuel than start the panel state and than set up your CDU, worked for me, so hope this helps.. cheers 😉
  20. Forgot - and this: And i use for example GSX Pro and Bijanstudio four-season-pack over MSFS. cheers 😉
  21. I do understand.. I always only link the plane i fly from the Addon Manager to MSFS only the MSFS planes are all there and i use no Add ons like FSUIPC or those that are similar to this Add. And shure i use a lot Airports, all payware with MSFS and some are linked with Addon Manager . Mostly around 30 airports plus-minus are always linked to MSFS. Hope this helps or can help.. cheers 😉
  22. OK, all those settings are deakivated ( and was ) only icing is on visuell.. cheers 😉
  23. Hi, Thanks a lot, PC is of at the moment but i will look at this... But i assume those settings are all of for me normal, but maybe something changed somehow ( MSFS update or so ) but as i said will look at and reply back.. cheers 😉
  24. To say i had around 6 flights now with this plane and two of them was falling out of the sky, thats almost 50% and that realy kills the fun to fly any hours more with that bird.. cheers
  25. Which ones, now you want me to tell you the hundred Add ons i use ? That would be a hard job, most are payware Airports and payware Aircraft and linked with Addon manager to MSFS. Mostly only the plane i fly is linked to MSFS but to sort something out i have to say the A300-600 is the only plane who falls out of the sky and no other do that. I have no CTD and nothing like this for a year or more and i am pretty shure it has deffently to do with the A300-600.. But i realy don't know why.. cheers
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