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  1. Past hour
  2. I've found that I have this issue when I type on the OIS using my actual keyboard using "a" or "d". The problem is these keyboard inputs still move the sidestick in the plane. If you watch the sidestick while typing it will move. Typing in text boxes does not stop your keyboard from activating certain controls. The solution to this is to just slightly nudge my joystick to reset the one in the plane.
  3. same here worked fine.
  4. Have you tried with the 1.0.1 paintkit? I was running into that with 1.0.0, but with 1.0.1, I didn't have mirror issue on the winglets.
  5. Look in Position/Time on FMS1. It gives the UTC time. I can't seem to get it to display local.
  6. Marketplaces in general do need to review stuff before releasing them. Try to publish an app on the Apple AppStore. Reviews take time. I'm sure it will come soon.
  7. Today
  8. That's the problem, sir. Nothing is happening. Button seems like not working at all.
  9. Do you get a successful notification message if you select the airport and hit NOTIFY?
  10. All is checked. No changes.
  11. I tried a couple of things. To actually get the ATIS/METAR try out the following Make sure your IRS is aligned (Precondition 1 for a successful connection) Make sure to have a Flight Number, DEP Airport, and ARR Airport (INIT PAGE) (Precondition 2 for a successful connection) Make sure you have entered the correct Hoppie ACARS Code in the OIT (Precondition 3 for a successful connection) On the ATC COM -> CONNECT Page, select the Airport which you want an ATIS/METAR from Click on NOTIFY -> you should get a green message "Notified to <AIRPORT> at hhmmZ" indicating a successful connection Now to the D-ATIS page, select DEP, ARR, or NONE and SEND REQUEST This should give you what you want.
  12. The WASM folders are independent of that. There is a guide linked above on how to do this.
  13. Still suffer from the same problem running MSFS2020. Almost every time i land and start taxi, control is lost. I desperataly try to click somewhere in the EFB or anywhere. I restarted the GSX app (from outside) and then I couldn't even move my mouse or anything. Absolutely zero contact with the sim. I have to stop the sim application. Any ideas? Is there a log or something I can check. Mats
  14. This is exactly why I have this issue, it is as if we are forced to use raytraced shadows instead of original shadows. I don't have this problem on the fenix aircraft.
  15. Instead of commenting on Iniโ€™s posts on instagram we need to do it to Msfs or Asobo cause honestly like what a joke man
  16. Yesterday
  17. I also had a similar issue flying into Zurich
  18. Nah doesn't help. I did purchase it from the iniManager app. I am working with iniBuilds and even they can't figure out why it isn't available to select.
  19. Hi I was flying OTHH-OMDB in the A350. While taxiing, i was going to do the before takeoff checklist, when all the displays suddenly freeze (nav, both CDU). I only managed to check the first three lines on the checklist Aircraft: A350-900 Sim: FS2020 Navdata: Navigraph Specs: Ryzen 7 5700X, RTX 4060 TI 16GB, 32GB RAM WASM error:
  20. DC AC ESS, none of them directly link to FCU power, could you add one?
  21. Hi All, I recently purchased the A350 for MSFS 2024 and I am unable to find the UTC time / clock on the plane ๐Ÿ˜…. Where is it located / displayed? Thanks a ton in advance!
  22. Aircraft: A350-900 Simulator: FS2024 Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH OFP: - WASM Error: [inibuilds-A350.wasm] Assertion failed: IsNumber() (E:\iniBuilds\MSFS2024 SDK\WASM\include\rapidjson/document.h [inibuilds-A350.wasm] : GetDouble: 1676) WASM: Error during WASM: Event NAVIGRAPH_FunctionResult called in vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/A350/attachments/inibuilds/Function_Interior_A350/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm execution. Error code : 0xc000001d WASM: Module vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/A350/attachments/inibuilds/Function_Interior_A350/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm is now dirty Specs: CPU 7950X3D, GPU RTX4090 and RAM 64GB The crash occured when entering VOR2 = KUA on the Postition/ Navaids page during preparation of the approach.
  23. They can't make us wait this way
  24. Gutted. And still in the dark. Come on, really?!
  25. Hi I've fixed the problem it was my honeycomb alpha what was keeping the lights on. Alex
  26. And before anybody gets any ideas, the module belongs to the A350
  27. Thatโ€™s sad maybe Monday lol Monday will come then it will be maybe Thursday .endless cycle
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