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Everything posted by JoshF

  1. I'll add more complete addon linker compatibility to our task list for you
  2. Hi there terribly sorry I missed your kind offer when you posted. By this point we were indeed well past the modelling phase of the project. We will welcome feedback when the full product releases 🙂
  3. As we've had a few separate threads detailing FPS issues, I'm locking this one
  4. We are also looking at ways to enable/disable aspects of our sceneries in the future
  5. Hi there sorry for the delayed response. If you haven't already, please try setting all ground traffic to 0 in MSFS settings. Unfortunately in flightsims in general; London is a very heavy area for FPS, especially if there are any other add-ons in the area. If you have already adjusted these settings, please try with a clean community folder as there may be other add-ons affecting performance in the area.
  6. Hi there, We don't have a concrete date to announce at this time, but we plan our next update to Heathrow to be a substantial one! When there is a date, chances are it'll be announced on the forums here 🙂
  7. Okay thanks I'll make sure it gets added in the next if it can be
  8. In the iniManager settings you should be able to manually enter your MSFS Community folder location but instead enter the folder where you want to link from
  9. Hi there, if the "they" you refer to is our direct support, please follow up with those tickets again and they will provide assistance if possible, thanks
  10. Hi there we don't currently offer key transfers with DominicDesignTeam, but we'll reach out to them and see what we can do 🙂
  11. Hi Rafael, There's a few things we can try: Delete your scenery indexes (guide on where to find them here: How to fix missing scenery in Microsoft Flight Simulator – Aerosoft) Clear your rolling cache (guide on how to do this here: All versions - How to delete the Rolling Cache and the Manual Cache – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (zendesk.com) ) If neither of those have any effect, please try with a completely clean Community folder, containing only LEIB and aircraft you'd like to fly
  12. Thanks for the reports guys, I've been unable to replicate this my end but I've logged the issue and hopefully we should have a quick resolution out for you all. You can still make purchases on our web store and download through the manager for now
  13. GSE is one of the areas we are looking at targeting for further perf improvements
  14. There should also be icons to the left of "My Products", "Livery Manager" etc so I'm wondering if there's some kind of corrupted install? If possible, please try a reinstall and remove the iniManager folders from the following locations: C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Local and C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Roaming. If that doesn't work please get back to me and let me know
  15. Hi there, for now, please remove the iniManager folder at the following locations: C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Roaming and C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Local; this should resolve this issue
  16. I believe the popup is by design, it allows people to download liveries to separate folders to use add-on linkers so they don't run out of space on their main drive. As for the first issue, are you able to "buy" Venice Beach on the store and download it through the manager for the mean time? I'll pass the issue along
  17. Hi thanks for your report. I've logged it and will get back to you when I have a fix or workaround
  18. Thanks all, I've forwarded this on and I'll feedback the second I have either a fix in the works or a workaround for now
  19. We're still working on further performance improvements for LAX, V1.04 is just the start of that. Thanks for providing more details on where the issues lie I'll pass it along
  20. Thanks. We're by no means done with performance improvements, it's still number one on our task list. Out of curiosity, does anyone get less stutters with a clean community folder?
  21. We're looking at ways to facilitate options like this
  22. Thanks for the image, I'll pass it on
  23. You should find these present on V1.04 just pushed to the iniManager 🙂
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