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Everything posted by MD82

  1. MD82

    V/S Mode

    Hello, when selecting V/S mode and confirming on the FMA. I select V/S 0.0. If I now change the altimeter setting to a new value, and with V/S still active and 0.0, the autopilot will climb/descent to regain the original altitude. In other words, V/S will increase or decrease without pilot input and without a change in the selected V/S to regain an altitude which should not be the case. VS mode at VS 0.0 should be just that if I'm not mistaken. At least it is on all other autopilot systems I know.
  2. MD82

    A300-600R Fuel Use

    Disregard above as my % reference is a B4 model. However, the difference in trip fuel remains.
  3. Hello, if you have an airplane set up for pounds, the fuel weight correctly populates when imported from SimBrief (Have not tried manually entering a value), but when you apply the load to the aircraft, the fuel weight remains in kilograms. In other words you will see a pounds value in the top data field and a kilogram value at the bottom field (even though the unit says lbs.)
  4. Hello Ini, I have noticed for some time now a discrepancy in fuel planned and fuel used. Today I am investigating. So, I opened up an A300-600 FCOM and went to the cruise performance tables. While cruising at 140.000 kg at FL330 in ISA+10, I interpolated a cruise fuel flow of 6.983 lbs/hr. On the gauges in the cockpit, I can read around 6.150 lbs/hr. In other words, around 13% less. Now this was a spot measurement, and more tests have to be carried out, however in any case the fuel flow seems a little frugal for these engines. I was curious if you show different data or if you know that extensive testing has already been done to match these figures. I crunched out OFP's in both PFPX and SimBrief and in both I am using less fuel than planned. Regards, Xander
  5. Hello Nico, on subsequent session I had it once more. So, I exited and tried with a Freighter base model and the hydraulics pressurized. After that all was good. πŸ˜‰
  6. As the title says. I tried cycling the pumps, the yellow servo control and the affected and the affected pitch feel and spoilers. I tried with all combinations of PTU ON. I have tried shutting down the engine and servicing both the hydraulics and engine 2. After start, exactly the same.
  7. MD82

    Step Altitudes?

    This fix; "Fixed - STEP ALTS page bringing up the wrong page" I can't find the vertical revision page on the A300-600 anyways. And an FCOM search didn't yield a result. So not like the A310. But if so, what does this fix actually indicate?
  8. Unfortunately it still crashes 😞
  9. MD82

    Enhanced version

    My apologies your highness.
  10. MD82

    Enhanced version

    Search for it in Marketplace
  11. As an update to this, I have removed Content.xml, All a310 folders and all liveries. I also uninstalled the NG Data cycle. I let the SIM reinstall the A310. 1. After install, A310 loads successfully. 2. Installed data cycle 2312 Rev. 1. 3. A310 loads successfully. 4. Back to the main menu to install A310 enhanced. 5. Loaded the flight in the exact same spot as before the Enhanced install. 6. SIM crash on flight loading. 7. Restarted the SIM. 8. Went to the same location. 9. And viola. In the SIM. So I'll call this fixed for now. Hopefully it is permanently fixed.
  12. Hello, I have not been able to start the A310 in MSFS. After starting with an empty Community folder and verifying the A310 loads I started checking what I installed last. I found out that having only NaviGraph in the Community already caused the SIM to crash. The SIM loads fine, and I can select the flight and click Fly. The load bar reaches around 30-40%, the MSFS music stops and the SIM crashes. Tested with other add ons and the Data Cycle works. This is with the latest SU14 Beta build and the latest NG Data Cycle.
  13. MD82

    Some observations

    1. In the REF pages, when selecting the NAVAIDS and WAYPOINTS reference page. Both options of each, take you to the new waypoint or navaid. Meaning, if I press "defined waypoints", I can create a waypoint. When I press "waypoints", which should tell me information about waypoints in the NAV database, it also takes me to the "New waypoints" page. Which is incorrect. Same goes for the NAVAIDS. Both options lead me to create a new NAVAID. 2. When inserting a STEP PREDICT., and after inserting it, all waypoints prior to the step waypoint (except the one before the set waypoint) populate with the STEP TO altitude. In other words, I insert DITAL step to FL370, I get in the F=PLN page. XXXXX FL370 XXXXX FL370 XXXXX FL370 XXXXX FL350 S/C DITAL FL370
  14. Ah ok. No I have the PC version. Will patiently wait.
  15. I don't see anything in the release notes regarding the A310. Do you have a link maybe where it's written?
  16. MD82


    Ok, thanks. Must be me then. It does it with ALL NDB stations 😞
  17. MD82


    Hello! Negative, airborne at FL380. It's been happening a few weeks for me. In yesterday's example, NDB frequency 376 tuned in (ZIN) at waypoint JOSES to overhead ZIN and towards Miami. It cycled the whole way until I was out of NDB coverage. Cheers ...
  18. MD82


    Hello, tuning an NDB frequency in the panel to an in-range frequency and the RMI needle cycles back and forth between OFF (horizontal) and towards the station with a frequency of 1 Hz. Arrow never fully points to the station.
  19. MD82

    LAT/LON waypoints

    No matter what format I try, I can't enter coordinates in the F-PLN page. I know ARINC has whole degrees, however not every LAT/LON is a whole degree. What is the correct format to insert them?
  20. The chocks are probably still set in the EFB. GSX doesn't recognize their presence I found and will gladly push you back with them inserted. You'll notice as you try to apply power for taxi.
  21. Thanks !
  22. Hello, thanks for the reply. I am on the latest MSFS NG. I'll try again tomorrow.
  23. Hello, since I have not fully read up on the A310 yet, please verify. On all Airbusses I know, at the END OF PLAN, you get the PLN to ALTN. This you can build as per your OFP. However, this is not possible it seems on the A310, because the ALTN PLN has no start point. Say for the flight I attempted to do today. LPPT/TNCC. The ALTN was SVMI. You build your flight plan, which ends at the final missed approach waypoint. Under that line, it correctly states END OF PLN. However, the ALTN part only has SVMI in it. As such there is no way to build a route. I can't insert anything before SVMI. And selecting a STAR (let's say the ILS to 10L) yields no waypoints. So, a flight plan to alternate cannot be built. On other MCDU's I know, you at least get a discontinuity before your ALTN so you can build the plan up.
  24. Yesterday in cruise, I was toying with the MCDU and pressing and checking a few things. Not sure what, I got a full freeze. So I decided to redo the flight today. While waiting for the IRS to align (about 30 minutes if selected realistic) I tried to go into the vertical revision page 2 to enter waypoint winds. I get a full systems freeze. So I thought the freeze was due to trying to access the page before the IRS's have finished. I restart the flight, and wait now for the IRS's to align. Again I try to enter vertical revision, and again full systems freeze. Flight cancelled.
  25. Using SU11 Beta 29.29, when the IRS is set to realistic and monitoring the time remaining to align, the time is much longer than what is stated. For every minute on the align status, is 3 to 4 minutes real time. So a full realistic align take 25-30 minutes. Parked in LPPT
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