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Everything posted by rsmith6621a

  1. So far for me this aircraft is a disappointment. I am unable to load the FP into the FMS by using the CPNY F-Plan Request. It is blacked out when I try and press it. I have imported the FP from Simbrief in the FLT OPSSTS page on the EFB and the same goes for the Loadsheet. What am I doing wrong?
  2. he A350 keeps freezing when launched. I can move my throttles once then they freeze and don't move again. The Tablet on the left side has a white screen and the knobs wont dial in the numbers. I have installed the beta su1 correctly and it still freezes. Any thought on what to do?
  3. OK. I run the Steam Version. Here is what is in my Local Cache folder. Is there somewhere else I should be looking?
  4. I gather the development team is working on reading complaints about optimization with KJFK. It is a spectacular scenery but when I land or take off anywhere near the terminal buildings my midrange machine goes into a moderate slideshow. I gather you are addressing this issue. I also have Feelthere KLGA installed along with Drzweki NYC Skyline. Thanks
  5. I believe this is happening non the latest version of the INI Manager.
  6. I am getting the following error while trying to adjust the coinfig for JFK. Any way to work around it?
  7. I am getting texture shimmering on some terminal buildings when close up and at a distance. I am also getting these with light poles as well. Any way to fix this? Thanks Randy
  8. Thanks. That seemed to work.
  9. How do we update the airrac NAVDATA for the 310? I am getting a NAV ACCURACY UPGRADE error in the scratchpad? Thanks
  10. Hello, How do you correct an OVERSPEED warning for VMO? No matter what if I try and slow the 310 down or lower the altitude it still sounds the WARNING INDICATOR. We really could use a printed follow along tutorial with this aircraft. Thank you
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