So far for me this aircraft is a disappointment.
I am unable to load the FP into the FMS by using the CPNY F-Plan Request. It is blacked out when I try and press it. I have imported the FP from Simbrief in the FLT OPSSTS page on the EFB and the same goes for the Loadsheet.
What am I doing wrong?
he A350 keeps freezing when launched. I can move my throttles once then they freeze and don't move again. The Tablet on the left side has a white screen and the knobs wont dial in the numbers.
I have installed the beta su1 correctly and it still freezes.
Any thought on what to do?
I gather the development team is working on reading complaints about optimization with KJFK. It is a spectacular scenery but when I land or take off anywhere near the terminal buildings my midrange machine goes into a moderate slideshow.
I gather you are addressing this issue. I also have Feelthere KLGA installed along with Drzweki NYC Skyline.
I am getting texture shimmering on some terminal buildings when close up and at a distance. I am also getting these with light poles as well.
Any way to fix this?
How do you correct an OVERSPEED warning for VMO?
No matter what if I try and slow the 310 down or lower the altitude it still sounds the WARNING INDICATOR.
We really could use a printed follow along tutorial with this aircraft.
Thank you