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Everything posted by KorEl

  1. Yes, a complete uninstall/reinstall fixed it, thanks.
  2. In my inimanager it is 1.1.5 updated 29 Jan (FS2020). I deleted the "inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600" folder but problem remains.
  3. Any plans for the A330 to be available for MSFS 2020? Many people do not plan to upgrade to 2024 (personally not for the next 12-16 months)
  4. I recently did some flights from high alt airports like Bogota and realized that the EFB take off calculations were wrong. It seems that high alt it is not taken into account resulting in power and speed settings much lower than those required. Can you please cheek?
  5. Yes, most probably that was the cause. I deleted it too when the FBW A320 displayed a warning about it. Never thought this may be the problem for the A300 but it seems it was.
  6. After further investigation: I changed my maintenance option from "realistic" to "disabled" and the symptom was reversed, it started pulling to the left. That means something was corrupt with the maintenance function. To be sure I deleted all contents inside the "work" folder (content is recreated next time the A300 will load, it is located at "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600" for steam) and that fixed it -permanently I believe... 🙂
  7. Unfortunately for me the B738 does not fix it permanently, every time the sim restarts, i have to do the same procedure again and load the 738 first, otherwise the A300 continues to pull to the right. Very strange indeed!
  8. Can be done from "options"
  9. I had exactly the same. I loaded the pmdg 737 for comparison to check if it is a controller problem and it was not. I reloaded the A300 and everything was OK. Maybe the A300 was not compiled correctly initially (?)
  10. This is correct according to v1.1.2 update log: Fixed - ILS freq selection: Only ILS freqs should be avail – uneven after “.” E.g.10/15/30/35…) .20/40/60 are not valid ILS freqs [Feedback from real A300 pilot]
  11. KorEl

    DME ARCs: Oh dear!

    This is fixed with v 1.1.2, although I don't see any mention about it in the update log.
  12. Waiting... To fix DME arcs and have the secondary FP back. all the rest are fine for me, no other bugs or problems since v.1.1.0 Of course any new feature or enhancement is welcome 🙂
  13. The APU has its own fuel pump which draws fuel from the left inner tank. Starts automatically as you set the APU s/w to on. (The APU pump does not appear on the fuel page). So no matter the position of the engine fuel pumps the APU will feed from the left inner. I you want to feed the APU from the right side tanks you must set the LH side isolation valves to OFF and open the crossfeed vlv
  14. Since 1.1.0 (30-3-24) no inflight problems for me too, including two 8hrs flights. SU 14, navigraph data, no FSUIPc installed . The only change I did since is using latest nvidia game ready drivers 552.12. Bug persisting is randomly crashing the sim when loading the flight, this happens with the A310 also.
  15. What version are you running? After v1.1.0 this has been fixed (for me at least). FD1 failure is caused by pitch trim 1 disengaging, you can reconnect it and restore FD1. This bug also empties the main fuel tanks, you can refill them inflight if you set refuelling to "not realistic" in settings. Stby horizon cannot be reset.
  16. It is not as it is with the A320, connected with the AP and guiding the aircraft to the set angle. It is advisory displaying the glide path to the runway. See the manual page:
  17. For me this bug as described by the OP (and evolved later: main tanks empty, PT1 off, APU oil qty neg, etc) after v.1.1.0 is finally fixed. 8 flights, 21hrs total, including one 8hr flight with 1.1.0, no problems.
  18. KorEl

    DME ARCs: Oh dear!

    Yes, tried this, it displays the arc as a straight line in the ND, even it is set in EFB to show curved paths. Since 1.0.9 it was working, but with problems (see previous posts)
  19. KorEl

    DME ARCs: Oh dear!

    After 1.1.0: Still cant fly DME arcs. This version does not do strange things, it just flies between entry and exit of the arc in a straight line.
  20. Tried LGIR RNP 27, it works OK for me.
  21. KorEl

    TCAS 1.1.0

    On the TCAS control panel there is a small button labelled "RNG", pressing it changes range between 6 and 12 miles.
  22. Happened to me also for the first time, in my 4th flt with 1.1.0. I had the "error downloading data" message, I decided to enter the FP manually but after a few minutes while I was inserting the waypoints the simbrief FP was loaded normally without doing anything. Maybe it is a simbrief server issue?
  23. This has changed with the introduction of the IDC, new click spot is next to EFIS control panel, right bottom, see here:
  24. PS: After landing I also noticed that the gremlin had emptied the APU oil and replaced it with a neg value: -96076153470000 🙂
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