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  1. sk0941

    WASM crash

    Flight went nice from KLAX to PHNL until I was passing about FL220 on the descent. All the displays decided to freeze. I when it froze I went into the ATC COM page on the FO side if that's any help. Please fix this issue that seems to be happening to a lot of people
  2. In the GE variant I have about 15% of oil in both engines, but I'm bot able to service the engines. When ever I click "service engine" I get met with a prompt that says "unable to service engine with cover in place" or something along those lines. The thing is that I don't have any engine covers in place, I don't even think there's an option to place any atm. So how would I go about restoring the amount of oil in the engines?
  3. By default the jetway position of gate 239 is too far out. I can't follow the VDGS all the way in without hitting on of the jetways. You can also see that they aren't at their starting positions
  4. Nevermind 🤦‍♂️ My throttle calibration had been reset somehow, the idle on my throttles were equal to 50% somehow. Recalibration did the trick.
  5. 1.0.6 for PC
  6. I have it so that when the button is held it sets that lvar to 1 and on release it goes back to 0. that works for me at least
  7. Did a flight now and had to ride the brakes on the ground when taxing out. Leaving the throttle in idle had me taxi at 36kts and more. I had the same issue after landing, only that after landing the brakes got hot so they stopped working after a little bit. I tried to taxi using only 1 engine and even at idle it had me going over 20kts.
  8. Right must've been a one off? Things behaved as expected this time around.
  9. I'll try tomorrow and see what happens
  10. I was doing a turnaround, but when I loaded the next flight from Simbrief all fields were left blank. I loaded the new flight in the EFB, that was all fine, requested teh flight via ACARS and all the fields on the INIT page were left blank. If I put BIKF/BGSF in the top right, it'd bring up the whole route, asking if I wanted to insert it. If I pressed "insert" it'd bring me back to the INIT page with all fields left blank.
  11. I've noticed that when the planswithces to mach numbers the LVAR for the speed dial doesn't match what's displayed in the plane anymore. In the attached picture you can see that the selected speed is Mach 0.76 and the LVAR is showing 0.7476.... which makes setting up an autopilot panel a bit tricky. Because if I just round the LVAR it'll give me the 0.75 in this case on my end and so forth. It will be accurate for some speeds but far from all. It's a quality of life thing, not the end of the world but great if someone could take a look at it. Great plane btw.
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