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  1. Hi Nico Navigraph update the MSFS AIRACS which is necessary when flying online (IVAO VATSIM) If we uninstall Navigraph then the MSFS AIRACS will be outdated and SID/STAR won't be the same with requested ATC clearance Please tell me if I am wrong Pascal
  2. Hi Nico Navigraph update the MSFS AIRACS which is necessary when flying online (IVAO VATSIM) If we uninstall Navigraph then the MSFS AIRACS will be outdated and SID/STAR won't be the same with requested ATC clearance Please tell me if I am wrong Pascal
  3. Thanks for sharing, I will use it to setup my hardware It is so complete that a real cockpit could be made 😃
  4. For info, if I open navigraph charts separatly, the moving map works fine 😉
  5. Thank you, hete it is :
  6. yes I have 😉
  7. Hello, Version 1.01 I saw the video with the aircraft position in Navigraph charts (airport, SID, STAR and Approach) but I can't see it. I certainly missed something. Please advise PS: I love this aircraft 🥰
  8. Hello, Could you give me the key binding for the H3 button on the autopilot? Thanks in advance Pascal
  9. Hello, the guard works fine but the two others left and right do not move with 0/1 values Did I miss anything?
  10. In the Hardware LVARs list in the FAQ, the NAV and STROBE lights have the same LVAR : AN225_POTENTIOMETER_NAV (LVAR) (0 = Off, 1 = On) I guess that for STROBEs it is : AN225_POTENTIOMETER_STROBE (LVAR) (0 = Off, 1 = On) Thanks Pascal
  11. Thank you Gumbyger ;-))
  12. Thank you Gumbyger ;-))
  13. Do you have the LVAR for : VRTCL VEL H3 button ? Wind screen wipers? the two steering tiller switches? battery switches Please Pascal
  14. Hi, Could you make persistent from one flight to an other session our preference for the smoke effect? Today the smoke is OFF at every new session. Thanks Pascal
  15. Sorry for late answer, yes I do mean LVAR 😉
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