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Everything posted by FelixM

  1. Hi, apparently terrain radar is not implemented yet, but it definitely has an operating TCAS system including radar on board. The radar of the traffic is implemented in the analog vertical speed indicator. Best regards, Felix
  2. Hi, I'm enjoying your Scenery NZQN. The only thing that bugs me is the fact that you can not get the weather shown up on the EFB (A310) for NZQN. I have tried now for multiple days. I also realized that there seems to be no Metar support on the internet for that Airport , which kinda explains it. I also have the impression, that the Live weather is also not correct at all, comparing it to for example windy.com. BTW, Iam on Xbox. Do you have the same issues? Best regards, Felix
  3. I have attached two Screenshots of what I mean:
  4. Hi, I'm running MSFS on Xbox X and love the A310. The more complex the better. I got my hands on real SOPs for that plane and reading quiet a lot about all the systems. I'm surprised how much detail is in the inibuild A310 - awesome. At the moment I'm doing a lot of Non-Precision approaches and I realized that the FPA mode in combination with FPV is not working properly. If you switch to FPV mode I can see the "bird" on the PFD, but it is always on center. In windy conditions it actually shows drift effects. Also when in heading mode there should be a small vertical line which you can get matched with the "bird". In addition when you select , lets say -3.0 degrees on the EFIS panel for FPA it does not have any effect in the PFD. I'm aware that the A310 does not have FPA-Track, but it does have a visual references according to FPA shown in the PFD. Are you planning to integrate that? Best regards, Felix
  5. Hi, thanks for your response. The steps to get rid of the double lines are the ones I have already posted above. When I wrote that i was doing it parallel on the Xbox and forgot a step. That's the reason why I wrote "I did not change anything". As I had became aware that I have forgotten a step , I did it again in the exact same order as shown above and it worked. I assume that LVFR static might have caused a hierarchy order problem. I wonder what would happen if I reinstall LVFR static on the now properly installed EGLL version. To be honest I'm a little bit concerned that things get mixed up again. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.....(hope I translated that "old saying" correctly). If that would help you I would give it another shot with LVFR static and report back. Regarding version 2 / 3 for Xbox. A note at the marketplace would have been helpful. Quiet frankly that information might have make me not to buy the scenery. However, regarding Xbox are version 2/3 a question of only when or are the newer versions for Xbox pre-alpha or a maybe? Best regards, Felix
  6. After trying a little but further around I got rid of the double Airport thing. That is solved. (actually that was the biggest issue). No double Lines etc.... But I don't have the interior as shown in the trailer (or am I looking in the wrong building?) I also have Texture loading issuses, most of the cars are very generalized . It looks like that the scenery is trying to load the details. hmmm. I mean I know beautiful LEIB looked inside. And in the EGLL trailer it looked the same, so there is some kind of an issue. I still think that there is some kind of Height offset (see screenshots above)
  7. I had LVFR static Airplanes installed and read in this forum that it could interfere with the scenery. This is what I have tested so far: 1. Deinstalled LVFR Static Airplanes 2. Deinstalled EGLL inibuildversion 3. Restarted Xbox and restarted MSFS 4. Reinstalling EGLL inibuildversion 5. Again everything is doubled and it comes from the default Asobo EGLL Airport I guess. Damn it! Shall I delete the rolling cache ? In what order should I proceed?
  8. Hi, after enjoying LEIB and NZQN on my XboX I actually wanted to have Heathrow the same way. Watched the trailer...absolutly stunning. Unfortunately that does not seem to work on Xbox X. I have the premium Edition of MSFS and so far I have no third party software installed around EGLL. After installing "your" EGLL it seems that he kind of doubled everything. I also do not have the interior as shown in the trailer. Some areas also seem to have some kind of a height offset. I have the impression that only some parts of Inibuilds EGLL have been loaded. I made some Screenshots - any ideas how we can fix that? Thx for your support, Felix
  9. Just landed everything worked like a charm. Thx Felix
  10. Hi Josh, I just opened the Sim to start flying and to my surprise you guys already put an update to LEIB. That is by far the fastest support reaction I have ever seen. Absolut amazing. I will fly now from LPMA to LEIB to check everything, but ILS identifiers are now visible on the World map. So I guess it should be working now. Thank you so much for taking care so quickly, now I know where to buy Addons - Inibuilds! Best regards, Felix
  11. Attached you find the Screenshots. For the CockpitView I (quick and dirty) positioned the Plane in air and tuned the ILS 24 with 109.5 CRS 241. I also selected the corresponding ILS approach in the MCDU. The other two images show the Ibizza Airport and the Mallorca Airport from the World Map. As you can see at the Mallorca Airport there are ILS identifiers. Those are completly missing at Ibizza. So the reason Iam not receiving the ILS at LEIB is probably because there are simply not installed. Is that an Airac cycle problem? And is there a possible solution? Best regards, Felix
  12. I will do that later . BTW it is the only airport so far where it does not work . ILS is tuned in the middle with corresponding crs. Efis is switched to ils. I see the gs scale on the right same applies for localizer indication . But there are no markers. It is the same as you would have chosen anon valid Ils frequency. Easy to reproduce or does it work on your side? thx felix
  13. Hi, I have become aware that as a Xbox X user there are limitations with respect to compatibility and functions of an Addon. For that reason I would like to ask in advance what kind of limitations I might face. I usually fly with your A310 and I own the premium version of MSFS. Since NZQN is already one of the "handcrafted" Airports in MSFS, what are the major differences and is your Airport compatible to that on XBox? Can I fly all the approches ILS/RNAV etc....Can I choose them in the FMC (A310)? Which Addons might interfere with you product? Thx for your time, best regards Felix
  14. Hi, I have recently bought LEIB at the marketplace. Absolutly stunning work! Best add on for Xbox so far (next to the A310). It would have been even better when the ILS Systems would work. I performed a flight from EGLL to LEIB and planned for ILS 24 (109.5 not sure anymore). However I did not receive any Signal. I immediatly checked the Airport in MSFS and I could read the line where it says ILS, but there were no frequencies listed. I also read here in this forum that you guys removed the ILS for custom made Airports? Didnt quiet get it. Any ideas? Best regards and thx for the A310! Felix
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