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  1. dihedral


    Probably a stupid question but since I've not had your issue I'll ask - Assuming you have throttle hardware, after hitting the TOGA cheat button, do you manually advance your hardware levers to the full forward stop as the virtual levers do the same in the cockpit (I do)? I ask only as a guess that maybe the jet is still reading your hardware lever position at idle and gets confused and resorts to "man thr" on the FMA.
  2. Just for kicks did you try changing the alias to something other than your username?
  3. Just posted this in another thread, maybe it will work for you. Go to page 2 and last post from me. If you have a SB alias name, try that in the FMS instead of your username. Worked for me.
  4. Well, this is interesting - I've also not been able to get past "pending" using my SB user name but just now I tried entering my SB "Alias" name (found at your account page), and BINGO, she's working! Hopefully this may help others too!
  5. Freighter version you say??? Sign me up! CC is ready if required 😉
  6. My flights are done in pounds as well so maybe there is a connection there... And fwiw, after loading into the plane I select "on apu" panel state. Additionally, after landing, I use APU not GPU or external ground power while at the gate setting up next flight.
  7. Same... Have tried clearing out my username in the simbrief.ini a few times and still no go.
  8. Can confirm. Saved "On A{U" as default but a/c loads up C&D.
  9. Can confirm this behavior with 2nd flight and even subsequent flights thereafter. ZFW value decreases during/after a flight? Even after entering in correct ZFW and BLOCK after flight 1 and before flight 2, the TOGW is incorrect.
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