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Everything posted by b3lt3r
I actually just use my TCA config I use for the Fenix start toggles mapped in the MS controls section. The 3 position I mapped in Spad with start/off/cont which works nicely. When I complete my current flight - either with a CTD or landing in a couple of hours I'll check config and update here.
Lol. I'd love to react to a welcome message but I see nothing - literally can't get past that message 🙂 Re -127kt - when FA mode is engaged it appears to do what I have read it does and target green dot at around 190kts which is way higher. At slats only the S appears and the window is still closed. What I don't get is the uncommanded window open to show 127 and then close up again but still set at 127 which doesn't match what I've seen on any streams or heard mentioned. Thing is with the window closed I don't have access so I can't move the bug up to S? I dug out a PIA FCOM and attached the parts which looked relevant - doesn't explain the open/close of the window (to my brain) 🙂 I guess see what happens with the fix and I'll just make sure the window is held open manually if needed.
That is a hugely useful resource - thank you for making me aware!
@ScottOrangeThis may help? Dennis posted in another thread. Not an intuitive name but easy enough to try 🙂
Hi. I can't access the Discord, it keeps telling me I'm in a strange place with no text channels? Regarding the slowness - the thing is that I did not command the slow speed (127) - I was at green dot and then set slats 15 when you can see the S appear on the tape with the speed window shut. I glance to the left and when I turn my head back, the window is open at 127 - slats are still 15/0. (I missed the open window because I thought it should happen at 15/15 - my bad). It then decelerates to the S and the instant it gets there, the window closes again and it continues to decelerate till the point the shaker goes off. I should have paid attention more but I don't understand why the window opens itself - both at all and if it is going to why at VAPP rather than the current speed?
Reset and start of the flight cleared. Have to assume it's a load state issue somehow.
FWIW I currently have a fault on the BLUE hydraulic system following engine start. I've tried cycling engine, electrics and PTU but it won't clear so I'll have to reset and try again.
It *looks* to me like you can simply overtype it - it's not the most intuitive UI in the world but a close and restart of ini manager appeared to stick.
That screen is exactly what mine looks like.... That is how it's been for the past hour or so - I'm mid way to EGKK now.
That was the flight I just completed. Now the 310 is sat on the ground at EDDM and I've set a new plan in SB EDDM/EGKK. Pressed import and straight to Pending.... I assume the fact that the alias is in caps doesn't matter? In SB my alias is b3lt3r
My simbrief user name is in the format "First name" "Last name" - till now I have been using my alias which is b3lt3r as that would seem to fit in the available space. I'm just completing a flight to Iceland but as soon as I'm down there I'll fire up the 310 and try various further permutations. I originally also tried my simbrief user id (the numeric one) as the WT mod used that but all my other planes I use b3lt3r. Will update once I've tried the variations.
Edited down to c. 54mb. Having re-watched several times I see that as the turn to final is happening with slats 15, the speed window *briefly* opens and the bug is set at 127 (vapp) - the window then shuts again and that speed is targeted but we're still slats only hence the stall. You can also see, when I disengage autothrottle I have a blinking "thrust L" on the fma and the levers are jerking back and forth when I try to get the thrust off. The levers are calibrated normally and work correctly in the usual regime. I think I recovered by cycling auto-thrust a couple of times. Eventually got back to stable manual flight and completed the approach by hand. I haven't used my Gdrive in years but here's a link I believe should work. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17wUCBy6jePKxNRcp-3Mmkrm19pNTISvY?usp=sharing It starts downwind for EGKK26L shortly after I have confirmed Final Approach Mode and it has slowed for green dot.
I will upload early tomorrow when I'm back at my PC with it. Rgds
Edited down to c. 54mb. Having re-watched several times I see that as the turn to final is happening with slats 15, the speed window *briefly* opens and the bug is set at 127 (vapp) - the window then shuts again and that speed is targeted but we're still slats only hence the stall. You can also see, when I disengage autothrottle I have a blinking "thrust L" on the fma and the levers are jerking back and forth when I try to get the thrust off. The levers are calibrated normally and work correctly in the usual regime. I think I recovered by cycling auto-thrust a couple of times. Eventually got back to stable manual flight and completed the approach by hand.
Multiple times now I have had severe issues on approach after manually selecting final approach on TO/APPR slightly early to get speed down to green dot early. Basically it initially behaves as expected and then suddenly all my speed bleeds off, shaker goes mad and I fight to get it into a controlled regime again. Yesterday I managed to get a video of the events and I believe it should show all the settings immediately prior to the event as I made sure to look at all the panels. I need to edit the video down to the relevant stage, once I have do you want to see it? If you do then let me know where to post it and any limits. This at least the 3rd consecutive approach where this happened after engaging FA. Immediately after that flight I did another into EGNT without selecting FA and it flew exactly as all my other flights had before I started selecting it. Cheers
I initially thought the radar wasn't working but finally I did see something representative shown. It was however only seen when set to turb. Test is blank, wx shows what looks like a test pattern, turb shows what looks like the weather I'd expect on WX and map (so far) is blank. It's almost as if the switch is offset by one position. Is anyone able to confirm how the in sim unit operates? Thanks
I'm using them via Spad Next so they do seem to work with that. I'm working my way through functions *very* slowly - it's a bit of an art finding LVARS as some seem to show in Spads' debug mode and others only in FS2020 dev mode which is weird as they are all prefixed a310_... The one I'm stuck on atm is the gear lever control - I have the up/down mapped fine on my HC bravo with the standard MS commands but cannot fine the one to let me centre the lever in the un-pressurised position. I'm hoping @xDennis0811 publishes the comprehensive list he mentioned a couple of days ago soon. I did d/l a streamdeck profile from .to but I'm not sure if that's readable in notepad or not yet. Failing that I just have to hope Les O'Reilly does a full spad profile - his 737-n00 one was awesome and covered every function in that...
@montreal thanks - blows my theory but at least I can stop focusing on that.
@dihedralare you on Steam or Marketplace? - nvm - just heard from someone else who is on market place so *that* theory I had was wrong. Kind of assuming this either will never work or magically get fixed during some update or other. I will stop fretting for now and continue with ini manager until then.
I am using my simbrief name - it has never worked for me
@atsbob are you running Steam or MS Store?
@MattThePilot are you running from Steam or MS store version?
@montreal are you running on Steam or MS Store version?
I am comfortable that the feature per se can and does work for many people but equally there are many it does not work for. This suggests an environment issue - is it because (for instance) I installed via Steam? Don't know - it's not the most urgent issue but an issue nonetheless