When setting the ILS-frequency, the decimal/kHz dial jumps from XXX.95 to XXX.10, with XXX.00 not being possible.
I.e. I can either set 109.95 mHz or 110.10 mHz, but not 110.00 mHz.
So the steps to multiply are:
Enter flightplan in INIT page (XXXX/YYYY)
Add alternate in INIT page (ZZZZ)
On F-PLN page, select the alternate (ZZZZ)
Select any STAR/runway, and select *insert
FMC screen turns blank and whole aircraft is frozen.
As of version 1.1.2, I am experiencing a total system freeze. This happened while setting a flight from KSDF to KMEM with KLIT as alternate. When trying to insert the STAR for the alternate (KLIT), the aircraft systems freeze and are unrecoverable.
I tried multiple combinations - apparently the crash happens everytime I try to insert a STAR of an alternate.
When in the A300, in v1.1.2, regardless of variant, ATC voices, except the own Pilot's voice are not audible, regardless of how the volume knobs are set.
The trimmable horizontal stabilizer seems to move into the wrong direction, trimming nose up sets it nose down vice versa. Issue is only cosmetical, the flight model/system is still correct.
Since the PW variant is out now, I would like to request a China Southern livery for the PW and a China Eastern livery for the GE variant. Just a mere suggestion/request.
Kind Regards
Basically unless I increase thrust with keyboard commands, I am unable to exit the reverse thrust regime by increasing the throttle on my HOTAS throttle.
When reverse thrust is engaged, increasing the throttle with my hardware (Thrustmaster TWCS throttle), the engines will spool up but in reverse thrust rather than exiting reverse thrust. Is there any setting to stop this behavior? Usually as soon as the throttle gets moved above 0% the reversers should disengage, as in any other aircraft.
After further investigation, it seems that the values in the "PAX" and "LOAD" fields are always zero no matter the setting, which leads to a wrong ZFW value.