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Everything posted by BrianT

  1. I'm using Heathrow in 2024 and not had any issues yet. could probably do with a 2024 optimised version but oither than that no issues for me.
  2. You could also check here in the inimanager, this will show all profiles made by RW profiles even fro scenery not created by inibuilds
  3. If you're refering to the Satellite view when you select EGLL on the world map then I think it's part of an old bing map and so built into MSFS. I think only Asobo can fix it.
  4. a fix to the AI path to make AI go to the start of runway 09L at A13 as the they are trying to join the runway at a12 and blocking the taxi way
  5. FYI there is no GSX profile for KLAX in either the scenery install page or the GSX Profiles page.
  6. BrianT

    EGLL ai

  7. Looks amazing, it's also my local airport and pleased to see you've included the extended runway. Would be great if as an addition you could make some much needed improvements to the port of Southampton. currently looks like a war zone!
  8. If there is I've not found it. However Reverantan over on flightsim.to is working on one. it's a big airport so it might take some time, there is a linkn to his WIP on discord. https://discord.com/channels/1011680327346966590/1090710404067500043/1096083270237696140
  9. I had something similar and found that when I had updated the scenery via inmanager some old files hadn't been deleted from the "\Community\inibuilds-airport-klax-losangeles\Scenery\airport-klax-losangeles\klax-scene" folder. After a quick uninstall and re-install all was good. Regards Brian
  10. Yup same here, it appears to have gone back a couple of versions
  11. Same problem here, I also noticed that the GSX profile (with the wrong BGL file name in it) from the previous version wasn't replaced but an additional version "KLAX-by_6r8.ini" was added to the folder. uninstall and re-install fixed the problem though.
  12. Hi all. With update 1.11 came the GSX profile thank you for that..... However when used GSX failed to see it, and on further investifgation it was because in the profile file says "klax-airport.bgl" but the actual BGL in the scenery folder is "klax-scene-airport.bgl" So I think either the BGL in the scenery folder wasn't updated during the recent update or more likely the BGL name in the profile is wrong.I've changed the profile to say "klax-scene-airport.bgl" and it is now recognized by GSX but can you confirm which one is right. Many thanks Brian
  13. BrianT


    I've just found on my system the profile file says "klax-airport.bgl" but the actual BGL in the scenery folder is "klax-scene-airport.bgl" So either the BGL wasn't updated during the recent update or the profile is wrong. I've just changed the profile to say "klax-scene-airport.bgl" and it is now recognized...But I still need inibuilds to confirm what the BGL should actually be. I shoiuld also say I've not changed the path in the profile and it doesn't match mine either as you correctly said in the OP
  14. BrianT


    I don't think the path in the GSX profile is relevent, only that the name file name in the profile "klax-airport.bgl" matches the file name in the scenery. If you open the "Customize airport" option in GSX it now tells you the names of the files being used.
  15. BrianT

    Taxi Route to 9L

    Hi Guy's, was this fix supposed to have made it into 3.02? if so it's still doing it.
  16. BrianT

    Taxi Route to 9L

    Oh great thanks guys, Looking forward to it.
  17. BrianT

    Taxi Route to 9L

    Yeah that would have made sense for me to mention 😀 it's FSLTL. Although they say they just inject it into the sim after that they have no control
  18. Any chance you can you take a look into the taxiroute for runway 9L please. AI travel along A or B then joining 9L via AB12 and backtracking to the start of the runway rather than continue via L56 or L57 to AB13 and join at the threshhold. I have V3 of this excellent airport. Many thanks Brian
  19. I did a straight update initially and had the problem above so did a full uninstall/reinstall and still had the issue. after deleting the C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Roaming folder and then installing it all worked fine of course i then had to re-enter paths and account information. I have noticed that the "update inimanager" button in settings doesn't stay on when you come out and go back in so there may be another issue there.
  20. That's fixed it. I had done what I thought was a full uninstall but the C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Roaming folder was still there, oncce I deleted that and re-installed I now have access all areas. Thank you. 👍
  21. Not sure if this is a bug or not but on loading iniManager v2 (uninstalled v1 and installed v2) it opens up to the main page, with the home button highlighted, none of the other tab buttons along the top (Vendors,Scenery,aircraft,utilities) work. The buttons down the left do work but once I've gone into one of them I can't get back to the opening screen what I get is the attached image. I know I can go and find airports to purchase via the world view, but how can I search by vendor, or look for Aircraft or utilities without having to go back to the website each time? Regards Brian
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