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qwertyplanes last won the day on November 2 2024

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  1. Hello, Can you elaborate more on what you mean? Environment structures wise? Also, I dont think it will be 91k elements. Perhaps you are referencing lines of code in the XML Everything is just by design and that's the way we make our sceneries. I mean perhaps it is the POI buildings which are beyond the airport boundary but please do elaborate
  2. Hello, Can you contact direct support on support@inibuilds.com? and elaborate with the specifics and screenshots what you have done please. Kind Regards
  3. Hello, Thanks, can you send a screenshot of the glowing assets? and what exactly did you fix?
  4. Hello @Cygnifick, Can you send specific screenshots of these issues? Spoke to the team and we haven't included any ambulances or fire trucks for this scenery
  5. Hello, Yep, like all our sceneries you can turn off statics and many other options.
  6. Hi, Do you have the 'additional parked aircraft’ setting in FSLTL turned on? As the AFCAD has T5 set up with only BAW and IBE so there shouldn't be any American aircraft at T5 and there isn't Emirates at T4 so I have a suspicion that FSLTL may be playing a roll in this.
  7. Hello, Please contact direct support. https://www.inibuilds.com/contact
  8. I've passed this onto the development team to take a look at this.
  9. I have logged this internally.
  10. We are currently looking at this internally but the layout generator does seem like a temporary solution.
  11. Hello, Can you ensure that you have disarmed the door in the EFB before opening?
  12. Hello, There is a setting in the EFB that turns rudder on tiller. If the issue is that the aircraft feels like it is skidding at higher speeds, we have noted this internally.
  13. If you can't make a support ticket, I recommend emailing support@inibuilds.com
  14. Hello, Can you clear your rolling cache and see if this fixes the problem?
  15. If you have issues where you can't access your INIT B page then you should go to PROG > FUEL PRED and enter the weight in there. The only reason why you wouldn't be able to do this is because your engines are running. Hopefully this helps!
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