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Everything posted by Awemeter

  1. Another issue I have noticed is that I never receive TCAS RAs. The ND will display the conflicting aircraft in red, but I never receive climb or descend instructions on the PFD.
  2. Because of the size of the X cursor and circle cursor, I can't click recall in the mailbox.
  3. I am trying to send an "ACARS MSG" or free text to another aircraft, but I'm unable to select FREE text on the ATC COM page. Is there supposed to be a separate ACARS page where I can send free text via hippie ACARS?
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  4. Sorry about that. Mods can close my post since its a duplicate.
  5. During taxi it feels and looks like the aircraft wants to go to the right when all physical flight controls are centered. I have verified through the MSFS control menu that my rudder pedals are centered yet the FCTL page shows there is a tiny deflection to the right.
  6. After GSX is done loading and during loading, the TOTAL pax remains at zero, and ZFWCG remains at 0. Additionally, if you add up all the pax stations, it does not equal the planned pax.
  7. I also had a similar issue flying into Zurich
  8. Awemeter

    VNAV issue

    Thanks for the reply. Here is the simbrief flight plan I used. https://dispatch.simbrief.com/options/custom?airline=ETD&fltnum=204&orig=OMAA&dest=VABB&altn=VAPO&date=06 Mar 2025 - 00%3A10&basetype=A35K&ac_order=registration&type=347385_1734345584724&climb=250%2F320%2F85&cruisemode=CI&cruisesub=&descent=85%2F300%2F250&fuelfactor=1&callsign=ETD2GL&reg=A6-XWF&fin=WF&selcal=BQAH&planformat=lido&pounds=0&maps=1&taxiout=20&taxiin=8&flightrules=i&flighttype=s&altncount=1&navlog=1&etops=1&stepclimbs=1&tlr=1&notams=1&firnot=1&stehour=7200&stemin=3000&origrwy=13R&destrwy=09&fl=&pax=AUTO&cargo=&manualpayload=&manualzfw=&contpct=auto&resvrule=auto&taxifuel=0&minfob=0&minfob_units=wgt&minfod=0&minfod_units=wgt&melfuel=0&melfuel_units=wgt&atcfuel=0&atcfuel_units=wgt&wxxfuel=0&wxxfuel_units=wgt&addedfuel_label=apu&addedfuel=30&addedfuel_units=min&tankering=0&tankering_units=wgt&cpt=&fo=&dxname=&manualrmk=&route=KANI3G KANIP N318 GEVED N881 AMBOS M700 PARAR N571 SUGID KETO2B&route_type=&targetfl=36000&targettas=493&disable_tracks=1&force_track=&avoid_airways=&include_fixes=&altnsadv_number=1&altnsadv_radius=438&altnsadv_cig=600&altnsadv_units_vis=m&altnsadv_vis=3000&altnsadv_units_rwy=ft&altnsadv_rwy=7000&altnsadv_exclude=&altnsadv_tsfgfz=1&altn_1_id=VAPO&altn_1_rwy=10&altn_1_fl=&altn_1_route=DOGA2B PPN&altn_2_id=&altn_2_rwy=auto&altn_2_fl=&altn_2_route=&altn_3_id=&altn_3_rwy=auto&altn_3_fl=&altn_3_route=&altn_4_id=&altn_4_rwy=auto&altn_4_fl=&altn_4_route=&toaltn_id=&eualtn_id=&etopsthreshold=60&etopsruleselector=370&etops_exclude=&etopsentry=&etopsexit=&etopsaltn1=&etopsaltn2=&etopsaltn3=&etopsaltn4=&etopsaltn5=&etopsaltn6=&asp4_snapshot=disabled&debug_zerowind=0&static_id=&manual_acdata= and here is the approach I used into VABB.
  9. Awemeter

    VNAV issue

    I've noticed some issues with the VNAV in this aircraft. When flying on a STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival Route) and encountering a manual leg with a disconnect between the approach and the STAR, the plane tends to forget its current situation. It accelerates to over 300 knots and begins to climb and shows that I'm 99 feet below the path on my PFD. It lasts for about 5 to 10 seconds before the aircraft eventually corrects itself, realizing it is arriving rather than departing, and then slows down and stops climbing. Additionally, I've observed that the aircraft often disregards the set speed in order to get back on the path. For instance, if I'm below 10,000 feet and the managed speed is set to 250 knots, the plane will sometimes accelerate to over 300 knots to get back on the vertical path. I'm not sure if this behavior is realistic, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
  10. In the sim, during almost every turn with autopilot engaged, the spoilers are deflected when they shouldn't be. In that video, a steep turn is done with no spoiler deflection. In the picture attached below, you can see the alieron is pretty much in the neutral position, yet there is a large deflection of the spoilers.
  11. It appears that you are unable to enter step alts if the FUEL & LOAD page has not been fully filled out. I have reason to believe that this is unrealistic and you should be able to enter step climbs and view the drop down list regardless of the status of the FUEL & LOAD page.
  12. In real life, most wide bodies, including the A350 use L2 to board instead of L1.
  13. I accidentally created this on the 2020 section. Could a mod move this to the 2024 section?
  14. If you go to the step alts page and start typing in the fix field but click enter while the field is blank, it completely breaks the step alt function. You cannot add any step alts via the drop-down or by typing the waypoint name.
  15. If you look at the reference below, the green FD bars overlap the center yellow box of the "airplane" modeled within the artificial horizon. In the inibuilds a350, the green bars are placed below.
  16. While you may not be able to hear the gear touch down, there are other indications of touching down, such as the plastic shaking etc.
  17. When pressing the ident button within the aircraft via the FMS or the RMP the ident function is not activated on vpilot.
  18. In real life the stick position is no longer shown on the PFD after shutdown. on the inibuilds a350 it is still shown
  19. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2025.02.27 - Sorry for the bad quality but I needed to get the file size under 7.81mb
  20. I 100% agree with the flight model on takeoff and the gear drag being too loud. It sounds like it’s a static sound because regardless of where you are within the aircraft the volume of the gear drag is the same. Nonetheless the plane defiantly has some issues but as you said before it has great potential and will end up being one of the best a350s we have ever had in a flight sim.
  21. When my view is positioned on the captain's seat and the OIS switch is to the left when I move the switch I hear the sound coming from my right headphone.
  22. The papi lights in sim for runway 09R are in the wrong location. If you look in the sim the papi lights are next to the 500 foot markers. If you look at a YouTube video online you can see the papi lights are next to N7. (At the 1 minute mark) You can see in sim N7 is abeam the one thousand footers which is a much more normal location for papi lights.
  23. Awemeter

    Gate numbers

    What is the relation between the gate numbers displayed on FlightAware and the gate numbers on the scenery and GSX?
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