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  1. Yes I did. I didn’t see the notification until today sorry for the double post.
  2. Sorry just now saw this. Much appreciated. We would need the LVAR state data, like autopilot engaged and disengaged, flaps settings, fuel flow.
  3. Hello, I am interested in obtaining LVAR states for the A350 so we can use them for our virtual airline. We need to be able to track autopilot when it’s enabled disabled, fuel flow, flaps settings. Can we get a list of these for us to utilize in our acars program? It would help out our virtual airline a lot if we could get some assistance with this. Best regards, Joe
  4. Hello iniBuilds team, I am the President and CEO of a large and older virtual airline. We are wanting to be able to track certain data such as fuel flow and Autopilot status on the A350 airliner. Is there a way we can discuss this? My tech guy reached out but we have not heard. Figured I would try here. I look forward to your response. Best regards, Joe
  5. Weird. I have not had that issue. Maybe DX version?
  6. Thanks Haza. I thought it was my settings at first.
  7. DId you clear your WASM folder?
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