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Everything posted by Max

  1. Hi @toreil, I'm not sure what you mean, could you provide pictures or a video? Cheers.
  2. Hi @Teddy88, Sorry for the long wait. There definitely isn't any indication of a crash in the log. Does a macOS error reporting window show after the crash where you can export the macOS event dump of the crash? If so, that would be very useful. If not, try removing all of your own installed thrid-party plugins and all the plug-ins from the aircraft folder except the SASL plug-in. Cheers.
  3. @toreil, That's how it is on the MRTT. You can't change it. Cheers.
  4. It's working for me, what country are you in?
  5. Hi Jeff, I've passed your comments onto the creator for investigation. Cheers.
  6. There doesn't seem to be any indication of a crash. Let me pass this off to the lead developer to take a look. Cheers.
  7. Hi @Teddy88, Could you please post your log.txt after this occurs? This file can be found in your X-Plane 11 root directory. Cheers.
  8. Hi, The refs are as follows: Disconnect ATHR CPT Disconnect AP CPT All in A300 > MCDU Cheers.
  9. https://www.inibuilds.com/p3d-v5-scenery-compatibility-files They're still available at that link. Just refresh if you get a download error. Cheers.
  10. We don't have dynamic lighting for VIDP. Cheers.
  11. Hi, do you still need help with this? Cheers.
  12. Hi @Caribflyer, No plans for this at the moment. But I will note it for the team. Cheers.
  13. Hi @matchvisser, It can come down to preference and factors such as monitor width... but the team uses 75.00 currently. Cheers.
  14. Hi @windshear, There are currently no plans for this. Cheers.
  15. As this topic has been resolved, I'll be locking it. Feel free to open a new one if you encounter further issues. Cheers.
  16. Hi @Regent013, Thank you for your comments. We've noted them down. Cheers.
  17. That's right, just the addition of the MRTT variant - meaning updating isn't mandatory. Cheers.
  18. Hello, Please see the following thread: Cheers.
  19. Hi @John Davis, This issue has been fixed on the A310, and it is to be included in the A300 V2. Cheers
  20. Hi Kirian, This livery was from before the major FSLabs update, so it was taken down due to being incompatible and not adjusted to the new version. If you wish to submit a livery request for this livery to be remade on the new paint kit, feel free to send your request here: https://store.inibuilds.com/collections/services/products/realistic-livery-request Cheers, Max
  21. Hello,To request a livery, please submit your request over at the iniBuilds Store: https://store.inibuilds.com/collections/services/products/realistic-livery-requestCheers.
  22. Hello, To request a livery, please submit your request over at the iniBuilds Store: https://store.inibuilds.com/collections/services/products/fictional-livery-request Cheers.
  23. Hi @AdmiralNimitz04, Thank you for the reference. I've noted this to our painters for consideration in future updates. Cheers.
  24. Max

    CTD with SU5

    It's definitely not ideal. I'll be locking this thread for now. If the issues continue in SU6, or the next hotfix which is supposedly out to fix these issues, please feel free to open a new one. Cheers.
  25. Great. As this topic has been solved. I'll be locking this thread. Cheers.
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